Above is Luca, in a picture taken a week past Saturday as he, his Mum and I trailed round a retail outlet of the more ceramic variety, in this case "Topps Tiles". Our mission, as accepted, was to locate floor and wall tiles for our upcoming new bathroom. A long overdue job, our upstairs bathroom having always been as welcoming as a fart in an elevator.
Here's the floor tiles above, a slightly surprising but unanimous choice. Who located this particular sample however? Luca! Our 4 year old boy version of Rapunzel found this on one of his many laps around the store (he has become much livelier of late - more of that to follow) and brought it to his parents attention. "Mummy, Daddy, look - it looks like lots of sweeties, I like that....."

Luca's attention span - and patience - wears thin with indelible pace, and due to this (though my Vesuvius-esque rumbling stomach influenced proceedings also....) we left the store shortly after for lunch at a child friendly restaurant near Portlethen. Both he and his Mother looked on in horror as I devoured my rather odd meal of deep fried black pudding in a green sauce. And we think the French are odd for eating horses. (racial stereotype, tick)

This is our kitchen. When? I can't remember. Why is Luca grinning so? I don't know. But would surmise a chocolate based confection played a part in this smile.

I took one of my company's stores vans home with me on Friday night, as with the recent house upgrading of late we've been left with a garden shed packed tighter than Imelda Marcos' shoe suitcase. My car is a little of the compact variety (it's like playing a human version of Tetris every morning as I bend and twist myself into the drivers seat) but the van provided both space - and much excitement for a certain 4 year old. "Is this your new van Dad? I like it, very, very much!" Much like his trip aboard the fire engine of a few months ago, Luca squealed with excitement as he climbed into the high seating position of the passenger side. "Where are we going?" he yelled as we pulled out the street, "Are we going to Banchory? Or maybe even Lincoln! Ooooooh!". Thankfully his general air of giddiness caused him not only to not hear my response to the negative, but also to have forgotten the original question once we arrived back in our street ten minutes later........
Further to my earlier referral of Luca's increase in energy of late, as most of you are already aware, Luca was prescribed an inhaler by the doctor just over a month ago in an attempt to combat the coughing fits that have blighted long periods of his life thus far. They surmised the cause was most likely a mild form of asthma, and appear to have been correct. Since the beginning of this trial his coughing has almost entirely been eradicated.
With this, he's been infused with a greater degree of energy and general enthusiasm. He's enjoying activities such as his football training far more as a result, which is a great relief to bear witness to. Speaking of which, his physical dexterity is increasing week on week, and his eye-to-ball co-ordination has improved greatly too. It's interesting watching him move, and very noticeable that his greatest strengths are his pace, ability to weave and general upper body strength in comparison to his peers. Perhaps, with this is mind, it won't be football he excels at but rugby instead. Watch this space.
I'm tired now. Have I written enough? Time for bed (said Zebedee)
**Useless fact of the day - Possession of LSD in the UK can carry sentences of up to 7 years in prison**