Of course, this assumes I've uploaded today's photo's in chronological order. Which of course I haven't. Yay. At least Luca is as yet blissfully unaware of his Dad's almost disturbing lack of technological prowess. Here he is above in a classic pose, sat atop a small, inelegant and frankly cheap looking sculpture outside a series of closed down shops just off Aberdeen's city centre. A photo for the classic archives doubtless.

This is better. If his lions mane doesn't immediately identify him, Luca is the child in the grey t-shirt and blue shorts during his (first ever) organised run. Doesn't he look quick?

Of course pictures lie. He didn't run very fast. Indeed he finished half way down the field. This picture above is more representative, with Luca eating the dust of a slightly chubby girl who is clearly doing little more than an energetic walk. Much like that weird sport in the Olympics (is it called the walking race?) where slightly built men wiggle their hips in a disturbingly effeminate way across a track, while the observing crowd use all their reserves to to disguise their mirth at such a preposterous spectacle.

Here he is, professionally warming up for the big race. With a yawn.

"I might get beaten by girls today Dad"

I jest of course. He did very well, as up until only 30 minutes before the races start it looked unlikely he would run at all. During the previous evening he and I had visited Duthie Park to experience the singular joy brought forth by the truly enormous slide in residence. After what seemed (to me) to be a time period comparable to that of the Bronze Age ("Just 2 more goes Dad") we departed the park toward the car park. Now it's a downhill walk to the car park. On tarmac footpaths. And Luca was running. Need I go further? He swallow dived several feet across the surface, opening up his hands and knee's quite badly. We sat in my car for nearly an hour attempting to stop the flow of blood from both knee's. So kudos to the little chap for even attempting the race little more than 15 hours later.

No, this isn't Abbey. Due to a rather unscheduled hospital visit from one of Carole's co-workers last week, we ended up babysitting (dogsitting?) young Sasha here for a couple of nights. I need make no mention of the thoughts and inward deliberations of my wife during this period.

On a smaller scale, here's the boy and the object of his eternal love, out on yet another forest walk. Taken during a brief "I need a little sit down" period, Luca is normally continual motion and as such a trifle difficult to catch on camera.

Like here. Like "The Flash" after a L'Oreal advert.

Another picture taken in Aberdeen, he often requests his photograph to be taken at present. It doesn't stop him fidgeting like an army of ants have invaded his undergarments of course.

Again in Aberdeen, in my favourite store - "One-Up", the independent music outlet. Luca spent nearly 20 minutes with the in-store headphones glued to his ears, sampling the latest wares. He was most enthused by a band called "Field Music". Not music you would expect a 5 year old to be attracted by, you can click the link below for a sample of what excited him so:- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cKvLO1PFf8

Finally an image taken in Aberdeen train stations cafe. Were we going somewhere? No, we had simply made the mistake of arriving into Scotland's oil capital at lunchtime on a Sunday. A brief interlude at one of the cities quieter establishments was needed, hence our curious choice for our gastronomic requirements.
Like a slavering dog, this smile is only evident as I waved a piece of chocolate cake around behind the camera. Sadly, I'm not attempting to be humorous.
On the next blog we'll feature the gifts Luca presented to Carole on Mothers Day. I allowed him free reign to purchase whatever he felt was suitable for his Mummy's present. With predictably catastrophic results.
Before you find another more entertaining method of killing 2 minutes and 14 seconds, have a look at the video's posted at the bottom of the page. The first a rare recording of Isis showing there's still a little life in those old joints, and the second of Luca demonstrating his "unique" skills at football training. I swear he's usually much more adept than on this brief clip. And I've no idea why he attempts the bunny hop.
**Useless fact of the day - The longest living dog, according to the Guinness
Book of World Records, was an Australian Cattle Dog, named Bluey, who lived to
be 29**