Luca first. As always. Modelling his new football boots, having been only days away from exploding out his previous (smaller) pair Incredible Hulk stylee. Our boy sure can grow, leaving another £31.99 sized hole in my wallet.

At least this slide was free. He has rapidly overcome his vertigo of late, a phobia which in no way was caused by his own fathers transmitted fears.

Look at those spindly little legs. No wonder he takes exception to tough tackling on the football pitch. More interestingly, this picture was taken only minutes after one of my least favourite moments of the week. In Peterhead before Luca's latest tournament, he was "caught short" at this beach we were visiting before the tourneys start. With no toilets in view we were instead forced to "go" against a wall. However, with local blustery conditions allied to a 6 year olds lack of physical maturity and aim, the wee-wee was going everywhere. What has a Dad to do in this situation? Help.
As we walked away, both with urine encrusted hands, I have to admit to a brief mental re-appraisal of my life.

Above, in a Starbucks coffee shop in Aberdeen before travelling to Peterhead. A nice coffee, and no urine on my hands. A good moment.

The day before had begun at the surely unholy hour of 4:30am as I woke in time to begin my trek to Aberfeldy for a half marathon. The early hour was deemed worthwhile however, as the race route was the most picturesque I've so far witnessed, and the endless castles, greenery and arches inspired me to my fastest time at this distance, a full 10 minutes faster than my previous best.

Having already taken one beautiful picture of the sights of Aberfeldy, I decided to take another. Yoda, who'd accompanied me on the trip, decided to wander into camera shot at this juncture. Aw, that's just lovely, I'll get my little dog in this gorgeous scene too. But wait, Yoda, what are you doing? No, don't squat for a poop just as I press click.....

A different day, a different scenario. Yoda and Isis on our middle landing. Playing their favourite game of "how much dog hair can we rub into the carpet today?"

I'd intended to publish a series of photos of Carole's recent event near Huntly, but a mixture of babysitting someone else's demons on site allied to a lack of zoom on my camera phone has left the above as the only legible image. This was of the "dressage" event, which despite endless explanations of how it works I'm still rather in the dark regard the vagaries of the event. However, I'll watch the cross country event next time, that's rather an easier one to understand. Go fast, make the jumps, don't fall off. I like sporting events that require little thought. It appeals to my intellect, or lack thereof.
Oh, and my foot? I went running in the woods yesterday with Yoda and went over my ankle. I now have what female gossip magazines routinely and rather unkindly describe as a "cankle".
**Useless fact of the day - Tests have shown those with higher IQ's tend to worry more**