Our will to grossly overpay for cinema pick'n'mix succeeded however, and shortly afterwards our car arrived in Aberdeen, inelegantly depositing us onto the river-esque puddles of the city streets.
However, our (inevitable) late arrival caused us to miss our intended movie, and instead caused a split. Carole and Luca grew excited at the prospect of the soon-to-start "Hobbit 2", whereas I could think of many more pleasurable activities, among them sticking a garlic baguette up my nose or swapping my contact lenses for hot chillies.
Instead I alone visited a neighbouring screening of new Robert De Niro comedy "Grudge Match". I perhaps should have put asterisks around the word comedy. A godawful mess of a movie, with a tubby aged De Niro "amusedly" taking on Sylvester Stallone in a boxing match. It raised a question sadly asked too many times over the past decade - is De Niro as bad an actor in the 21st century as he was a great one in the 20th?
But I digress. In terms of physical exertion today has been rather in contrast to yesterday, where I completed the longest run of my life (from Inverurie to Aberdeen) - a total of 30 kilometres. Despite a longstanding ankle problem causing me to slow down more than I'd hoped, my basic fitness coped with the distance without too many issues. The back road route I'd chosen was hillier than I prefer, but our country roads up here are often picture postcard, such as the following image I took yesterday mid-run:-

The weather in this image admittedly looks a little grim, but in Scottish winter terms it's often far worse. Indeed, Carole accompanied me on the the first 5 kilometres of my run, during which the skies opened to such an extent it was akin to having buckets of water poured unceremoniously upon our noggins. Contrarily, however, the Weather Gods decided enough was enough literally as soon as Carole's leg was completed. Again, however, I was very proud of her, as despite the conditions she ran determinedly throughout the hilly route without nary a complaint. I really enjoyed her company too.
Young Luca has a little training imminent too, after we signed him up for the annual Garioch race event. His age group have a full kilometre to run, quite a distance for such little legs. A successful result for our boy will simply be to not finish last, as his awkward birthdate means he's in a slightly older category - ages 7 to 9. He'll be one of the smallest and youngest, so it'll be interesting to see how strongly he runs near the back of the pack.
Carole and I are entered in the event too, in the 5K and Half Marathon respectively. Disappointingly I won't see Carole finish, but I'll be there in spirit.
My wife is, of course, loving her new horse Fin. She hates Luca and I shortening his name as such that's I become almost a family game now. "That's not his full name" she'll grump as husband and son inwardly giggle. He's a great natural ride though, despite his differences to Harvey.
He has a nice nature too, although the headbutt I received from him a week or two back wasn't my favourite moment. It was my fault, I was leaning into an angle he couldn't see - but it was a teeth jolting reminder of the solidity and power of these beasts.
My latest fad is an experimentation with vegetarianism. Due primarily both to differing running diets (the only constant in my diet being the rubbish I consume) and having watched one too many (admittedly preachy pro-vegan) documentaries, I'm researching the benefits of of a non-meat diet. As I grow older the considerations and implications of eating meat prey ever greater on my mind resulting in the contemplation of what this would entail.
Carole, as a long term advocate of organic food, is being supportive and doubtless her interest has been piqued too. Where will this go? We will see.
Like every blog entry I tend to have a single regret as I near the end. Today it has been my lack of Luca related prose. To partially rectify such a failing I attempted to attach a video I took earlier to the blog. And failed.
It was of our "shy" boy dancing. I'll find a way to attach it next time. He'd be extremely indignant if he found out I was going to attach it. A parents roles are many and varied, but the instinct to embarrass is ever present.
**Useless fact of the day - A snail can sleep for 3 years**