I hate, HATE, technology. What the hell was wrong with cave walls anyway?
As such, my beautifully created entry (I can lie about that as no-one will ever see it now anyway) is no more. And so, the following is a brief (the briefest) addendum of what came before.
That's barely even the correct use of the term, yet it's now so late that I don't give a rats ass. So, photo's eh, that'll be good?

This is Luca as a pirate. I can't remember why.

I ran the Edinburgh Marathon last weekend. Lucy wanted me to write an entry about it once I'd processed it mentally. But there's not much to say. I should've ran faster and more comfortably, but didn't. I should've followed a marathon training programme. I should've eaten more healthily. I shouldn't have drank so much. I should have been mentally tougher. Failed on all fronts. But I didn't quit, and I'll do it better next time.

But at least I still like running. Fin has the opposite emotion when it comes to me. Tries to eat or headbutt me. And I look a wally on top of a horse. But he's gentle with Carole, which is more important.
Did you know I wrote 3 paragraphs on Carole and horses in the original blog? Did I mention how much I hate technology?

I just liked this, and it's going up in my bathroom.

And here's today's big surprise. Luca on his new bike. Think he's pleased?

He wrote this while I was putting the bike together, which I think probably indicates the answer to the above is "yes"
Apparently that's music notes below the bird. I thought it was pooping too.
The bikes getting its inaugural outing tomorrow, as we'll be heading to he forest trails with Yoda in tow. The pup and I will run alongside him as he gets used to his "big boy" bike.
Hope he doesn't go too fast. My legs are still sore from this mornings run, completed while he was at football training. I tried a little sprint training for the first time, well, ever. Thought my legs were going to snap off with the shock. Particularly after months of preparing for a marathon by running only longer, slower distances my joints and muscles (which were never the keenest supporters of my decision to run in the first place) screamed their objections.
Anyway, did I mention how much I hate technology?
Scary story to send you to sleep - I begin tucking him into bed and he tells me, “Daddy check for monsters under my bed.” I look underneath for his amusement and see him, another him, under the bed, staring back at me quivering and whispering, “Daddy there’s somebody on my bed.”