Saturday, 31 January 2009
Saturday 31st January 2009
As I've just read Lucy's blog, I'll begin with mentioning that Carole and I (and Luca, Isis and Sima too) will be supporting the Arizona Cardinals during the Superbowl. This is predominantly due to their exhaustively rich history, ingenuous tactical game as well as the fact we think their running back has the potential to be the NFL's MVP within two years.
Actually, we just like the name - it's cool
As I try not to become aggravated by Sima repeatedly stepping on the mouse, I'll try to describe our ill-fated day thus far. We took a trip into Aberdeen this morning in order to visit the monthly farmers market. However, we were delayed initally as I had to pop into the office first thing (I love on-call), before returning home via the chemist in order to pick up various types of bandages for Luca's foot. As many of you are already aware, we had a mishap the other day. Luca climbed down from the sofa and popped his foot straight into the jug which had been heating his bottle. As such, he's burned the toes on his left foot. Apparently he didn't whine too much at the time, and the doctor wasn't worried about it, but because it's a burn we'd been advised to air it - ie, keep socks and shos off as often as possible. However, we had to make sure we had gel type banages, etc, for wrapping it with for our "viaje". Luca, being Luca, objected to the protection being added to his toes (or maggots as they resemble at his age) and had a little whine.
Or at least that's what we thought he was whining about. It eventually became apparent that his illness from earlier in the week hadn't passed quite as completely as we'd initially thought, and this excursion was just too early for him. He was quiet and grumpy throughout. Indeed, even Carole recognised her trademarked furrowed brow - Luca has that replicated perfectly! His mood was only lightened by the appearance on "In The Night Garden" cuddly toys on the shelves in "Boots". A grin slowly lit up up his face as he mumbled "Makka Pakka"!
On that subject, today's featured video show's Luca watching "In The Night Garden" on TV. He generally takes little notice of television (no bad thing) but this programme entrances him. Does this get shown in America Lucy? Granny Jo, Uncle Ross and Granda Ian have been treated to a viewing of this previously, with the latter incumbant mentioning it's so trippy it's like watching "The Magic Roundabout". Pretty much an accurate desription in my opinion, although for those a little less geriatric it's like watching "Teletubbies" on crack.
And I am aware for that last crack the only thing I will now inherit will be Ross....
After drifting wildly from my original point, our trip into Aberdeen was ill fated not just due to Luca's ill health, but also the fact that the farmers market had been cancelled (for reasons not yet known). The only useful purchases we made in the end were a new harness for the puppy (who has now almost doubled in size over a period of 5 weeks!) and new clothes for Luca. I'll take a video of him modelling his new attire from "Next" tomorrow.
Tonight I'm cooking again (Carole's eyes pleaded with me for this to be a jape when I announced it), so if there is no new blog tomorrow then you know it wasn't cooked properly.
**Useless fact of the day - Technically, Chelsea football club are in debt to the tune of £620,000,000.00 (average loss per annum of £88,000,000.00) yet are considered fully solvent by the banks. Yet mortgage approvals in the UK (average lend of £115K) have fallen 75% in the last quarter despite reposession over the previous decade hitting an all time low. Huh?**
Thursday, 29 January 2009

Again, I have no new pictures of Luca, so here's the alternative. Elmo is Luca's favourite toy, so we can NEVER allow him to see this....
Carole's taking little goggle eyes to the doctors this morning. Although he's acting in much the same way as normal, he's certainly not well. The rash on his chest is still very noticeable (although it does fade when you press it Lucy), and he threw up last night too. This is what has concerned us most, as he's never been one for throwing up - Luca the puker he most certainly is not.
Carole's taken the day off herself. Partially this is due to having to keep Luca off nursery, although it is also due to her picking up an (unrelated) illness of her own. Our house has been liberally decorated for snot over the past two days. Due to this, I decided to take control of cooking duties last night, and cooked us a traditional Congolese dish of sardine stew. Carole always eyes me suspiciously when I announce I'm going to cook one of my "experimental" meals, but I felt this one came out rather well. Admittedly Carole didn't finish it as she hates sardines, but I was unaware of this....
Mum (my mum, Luca's gran...) has been a great help during this unhealthy period, taking care of Luca and allowing Carole to get things done. Mainly it gave her the opportunity to purchase some "toddler stuff" for Luca from Mothercare, such as a toilet seat, elevated kitchen seat and steps to allow him to brush his teeth at the sink. It's actually very cute watching him do this, and also shows how much he's progressing. He's really becoming a sturdy, mobile boy.
And finally, Mum took back the two cardigans she knitted yesterday in order to deal with frayed edges. We're just hoping she doesn't take too long as he's already demanding them. He loves them, and cries "cardie, cardie" when we tell him they're not here. And the look on his face when we try to put the old blue cardigan on him is akin to Gordon Browns the first time he realised what an a**e he's made of the UK's economy........
**Useless fact of the day - The worlds fastest knitter can knit 118 stitches per minute**
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
Wednesday 28th January 2009
No photo's of Luca today, but instead here's an image of Carole's greatest fear for Luca. Sima might not be too bad (she is just a pup) but imagining what's up Isis' bottom fills me with fear.
Pleasant thoughts aside, today's been rather disappointing. Due to on-call responsibilities I've had to turn down Manchester Utd tickets offered by dad. Even discounting work, there were other factors involved, but it's a sign of how things change. Five years ago I could have popped down to Manchester at the last minute without a thought, but with extra responsibilities formed through work, dogs and Luca going anywhere involves planning military style. I'm not alone though, and sure Lucy and Scott in particular know what I mean. "Spur of the moment" is no longer a consideration.
Luca is at home today with his mum and gran, and by all accounts seems to be improving again. He's still not eating well, and the rash is still prevalent but when I called home at lunch he was making more noise than a bodybuilder with OCD with his new drum kit in an echo chamber. I'd estimate he'll be OK.
**Useless fact of the day - The organ in Atlantic City Convention Centre is the loudest instrument in the world. The massive organ has 33,112 pipes in 455 ranks, including a full-length 64 foot Diaphone Profunda, ten 32 foot ranks, and manual and pedal reeds that are under 100 inches of wind pressure**
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Tuesday 27th January
My day off today has been rather appropriately timed - Luca's ill. Carole received a call mid afternoon yesterday from the nursery advising her to pick him up. He'd become suddenly rather unwell, and had almost entirely stopped communicating with the staff there. He'd basically pulled himself into his own little world to handle it. Carole got him home (he'd run toward her with a trembling lip when she arrived) and called the doctors, who basically told her to leave it a couple of days before contacting them again. Completely unhelpful, but depressingly pretty much what you expect.
He woke up at what is a relatively normal time for him today, and appears to have the start of a slight rash on his chest. It's barely noticeable thus far, so I'll keep an eye on it as the day progresses. After his mum left for work we went for a little drive in the car (he always loves that) before coming home and attempting to feed him - his appetite isn't great. However, he had a little (plain food only) and was chirpy anough, although very shortly after he led me upstairs and told me to put him him to bed. I took the above photo literally minutes after I'd put him down, he must have nodded off as soon as I linitially left the room.
My plans for the day are obviously not going to come to fruition now, but they can wait. My only disappointment is not being able to take him swimming during a quiet time.
I'll post another update later. Hopefully that enormously loud fart he released (I heard it from downstairs) won't wake him early - he needs his sleep.
**Useless fact of the day - Plants can fart. Nuff said**
Monday, 26 January 2009
Monday 23th January 2009
In response to the idea involving renting bicycles in Tenerife, Carole and I took into account all the relevant factors. Intense heat, big hills, the fact neither of us have cycled since we were "knee high to a grasshopper" and Luca. Guess what our conclusion was?
Actually, I'm making it sound worse than it is! Perhaps a day trip, but neither of us are keen cyclists. The lycra chaffs me a bit too much you see. However, we can rent scooters for around 15 Euro's per day, so perhaps a compromise can be met there?
IE - Kelly sweats buckets cycling up 45 degree angle hills, while we "put-put" past her....
Tenerife aside, I've neglected to mention this months Lincolnshire birthdays. Mike's has just passed, while Tom's is tomorrow. For reasons of politeness I will avoid mentioning their ages. Obviously neither is too far past 21 however. Happy birthday "young loons"
Strewth, even I can barely recall 21!
Carole got home from her night out last night around 1030pm to my surprise, and reasonably sober too. I was semi-snoozing on the sofa as she arrived in, with Sima snoring on top of my stomach. However, the creak of the door (that reminds me, I need to oil it...) shocked her awake, so much so she jumped onto my face. Pleasant.
Carole looked knackered upon awakening this morning (unsurprising as it's been a busy weekend) and was "treated" to a grumbly Luca. I guess he's growing up fast, as he already seems to like Mondays about as much as Bob Geldof. Hopefully he'll be chirpier tomorrow in order for our next swimming session to pass without too much incident. Here's hoping.
**Useless fact of the day - Per passenger mile, you are eleven and a half times more likely to die on a bike than in a car**
Actually, I'm making it sound worse than it is! Perhaps a day trip, but neither of us are keen cyclists. The lycra chaffs me a bit too much you see. However, we can rent scooters for around 15 Euro's per day, so perhaps a compromise can be met there?
IE - Kelly sweats buckets cycling up 45 degree angle hills, while we "put-put" past her....
Tenerife aside, I've neglected to mention this months Lincolnshire birthdays. Mike's has just passed, while Tom's is tomorrow. For reasons of politeness I will avoid mentioning their ages. Obviously neither is too far past 21 however. Happy birthday "young loons"
Strewth, even I can barely recall 21!
Carole got home from her night out last night around 1030pm to my surprise, and reasonably sober too. I was semi-snoozing on the sofa as she arrived in, with Sima snoring on top of my stomach. However, the creak of the door (that reminds me, I need to oil it...) shocked her awake, so much so she jumped onto my face. Pleasant.
Carole looked knackered upon awakening this morning (unsurprising as it's been a busy weekend) and was "treated" to a grumbly Luca. I guess he's growing up fast, as he already seems to like Mondays about as much as Bob Geldof. Hopefully he'll be chirpier tomorrow in order for our next swimming session to pass without too much incident. Here's hoping.
**Useless fact of the day - Per passenger mile, you are eleven and a half times more likely to die on a bike than in a car**
Sunday, 25 January 2009
Sunday 24th January 2009
"It's a real shame your camera doesn't have a flash facility Gary"
Actually it does, I was merely negligent in not activating it. These photo's were taken this morning in the changing room of Inverurie Swimming Pool. Although you can't see, he was grinning in anticipation of his impending swim. After the success of Tuesday, we arrived at the pool this morning in bullish mood, confident that there'd be no "Kate Winslet at any award ceremony" type crying and hysterics from Luca. And, gratefully, there wasn't. For the very first time he seems to be looking forward to his visits now.
However, is life ever that simple? Despite the relatively early hour of our visit (pre 0930) it was like a Dunkin Donuts shop in Houston - chaotically busy. The childrens pool was so busy there was actually a queue just to set foot in the water! After quickly coming to the realisation that at least an hours wait would ensue we cut our losses and headed, gingerly, toward the main pool. The big boys pool.
Luca is, unfortunately, very quick on the uptake these days, and he realised immediately that I was going to attempt to take him into the main pool. His grip tightened, his face hardened and his eyes began to well up. As we approached poolside he began to tremble. A quiet yelp escaped his mouth as my toe dipped into the shallow end. The yelp had become a disfunctioning car alarm by the time I was waist deep in, as he desperately held his legs as high as possible in order to avoid the icy splash. And an icy splash it certainly was, the temperature was clearly a good few degrees colder than the childrens pool.
Gradually, however, he relaxed. Although never accepting the sub-artics temperatures of the water, his whining (almost) abated and we spent another twenty minutes exploring the watery world. Eventually, when I decided he was starting to look a little too bue, I suggested we go back to the changing rooms and have some chocolate. The smile that spread across the face was like a rainbow after the storm!
He's sleeping now, tired out by his morning activities (I took him to the shops afterwards too, mainly to cause chaos), and, as I type this entry, his place has been taken by Sima, who's presently using my lap as a trampoline. I had to conduct a verbal disciplinary meeting with her on our return though, as she'd thoughtfully had a big poo in her food bowl...
Rolling backwards in time (as per normal), Carole and I were out on Friday night to a restaurant called "Moonfish". We both had fish. Surprising eh? The food was terrific though (best I've had in a while) and had we had more time we would've gone for a couple of extra courses. However, we were due at the cinema at 9pm to see the new "Underworld" movie, which, although not quite good enough to have left the restaurant for didn't fall too short. It was the third in the series (although confusingly also a prequel) but was accessible enough for non fans (such as myself) to be able to pick up and enjoy. Carole loved it though, so much so that we watched the original on DVD on Saturday night.
Speaking of which, I really hope our main TV is back soon. Squinting at the postage stamp sized screen of my substitute telly is proving awkward. Carole and I are now both walking around with a permanent squint as the wind changed mid DVD.
Also on Saturday, I went to the Aberdeen game with dad and Ross (the latter of whom is now becoming a regular again after a long disinterested period) and after a slightly dull start the game finished with the packed out stadium on the edge of their seats, depsite having to settle for a draw (albeit against Rangers). The most entertaining part came at half time, though, as the TV camera's were beaming the game live nationwide. However, as we watched the half time coverage from within the stadium, it quickly became apparent that the TV station had mucked up it's advert break procedure, and we were treated to images of the (male) presenter and co-hosts being applied with varying blusher, foundation, etc by the make-up girls. Indeed, so much was being applied that a female porn star may have baulked at the amount being shovelled on. While we were giggling at these absurd pictures, Carole was at a two year olds birthday party with Luca. He behaved himself (better than most of the others by all accounts) and had fun, though Carole admitted to me later that night that she wished I'd come. I thought that was nice, she'd missed having her big lunk around. Her next statement dispersed that belief however - "The other girls were drinking a really nice wine, and if you'd been there you could have driven!". Always nice to be appreciated.
Also on Saturday, Carole called her mum to arrange her next visit up here - it'll be from 13th February for 6 days. Rather "conveniently" timed, as it supplies us with a free babysitter for Valentine Day, as well as allowing Liz to travel to Livingston hospital with Carole and Luca on the 17th for his next session of laser surgery. With Liz having worked in the medical industry throughout much of her life it may allow us to glean a little more information from the - almost entirely uncommittal thus far - doctors about progress and chances of full/partial success of the treatment. Although I'm quite firm when requesting information, it's clear the doctors prefer to try and talk around me, as they clearly don't like to make committed estimations. And they're very good at it. However, they won't be able to catch Liz out with medical terminology. Although despite this I still suspect they'll be evasive, for (I assume) legal reasons. That said, over the last few weeks his face has been looking much improved so I'm looking forward positively.
**Useless fact of the day - Contrary to popular belief, America is not the fattest country in the world! Indeed, it only lies at number 9, behind such countries as Tonga and Kuwait. Nauru is by the far the worst, with 94.5% of the population being overweight or obese**
Friday, 23 January 2009
Friday 23rd January 2009

Featured above is an image advertising the movie Carole and I are seeing tonight. It's not Luca, nor his parents, it's not even the dogs - but it is related to today's events, and therefore is a legitimate entry as far as I'm concerned!
We're intending to catch the 9pm screening in Aberdeen - tonight is the films UK release date. Annoyingly I forgot I was supposed to be playing football tonight and have had to cancel, but I did promise Carole the film before I agreed to the football. And I have to prioritise too.
If you're male then you are probably now thinking "If he's prioritising then why didn't he choose the football?".
We'll hopefully have a "boisson alcoolisée" or two while we're out too - Granny Jo is taking fat bottomed boy for the night so we can lie in tomorrow! Actually, scratch that, we've got a perma-farting wolf and a Sooty soundalike puppy who'll likely tell us at 6.30am that they need to go out to the toilet.
After our "lie-in" (cough) I'll be getting up and through to Aberdeen for the big game - Aberdeen V Rangers, while Carole heads through to collect Luca and take him to a birthday party. Unfortunately, with the football, I won't have time to attend the party for the enormous group of screaming, hyperactive two year olds. Oh no.
Can I reiterate the reasons behind the previous paragraphs cough? It was indicative of the fact we'll be woken early by the dogs, hence no lie in. Not the other thing a cough could refer to....
I should just use the delete button.
On Sunday we'll attempt to further educate Luca in the art of the doggy paddle. Hopefully his progress shown on Tuesday can continue further, and leave him more comfortable in the water. Realistically I'm looking for an improvement which will result in his fingers not gouging through my skin in desperate attempts to hand on for dear life. We're still a little distance from Luca free swimming yet.
**Useless fact of the day - In Tenerife in 1706, the greatest eruption known in the island happened at Trevejo. This volcano produced great quantities of lava which buried the city and port of Garachico, in those days one of the most important cities in the island. Although volcanic by nature, the island hasn't had any eruptions yet this century. Yet**
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Wenesday 21st February 2009
I intended to upload a couple of new Luca pictures and videos to the blog last night, but due to the appallingly late hour I eventually remembered to it - after 1am in the morning - my tired eyes demanded that this task could wait!
A shame though, as the video in particular is quite funny. Watch out for that later tonight.
And mum, yes, the last photo's were of Sima bouncing on Isis's head and mauling her ears. This is quite normal behavour for her, and Isis loves it - she's a new dog. Neither Abby nor Tyler were ever particularly keen on playing with her, so she's taking full advantage now she has a hyperactive terrier constantly on the go.
I was off work yesterday (I'm still trying to use up last years holiday allowance) so got to spend some real time with Sima. She's learning fast. I had her out of her cage almost all day, and we didn't have a single "accident". She's growing rapidly too, and as such I'm able to take her on (relatively) normal walks. It's nice to have a mutt to walk again, especially as Sima's so well behaved when we're out - I'm just waiting for something to go wrong, she's far too well behaved for a pup.....
Although it was day off work, it certainly wasn't a day of rest. I was on the go from 7am to 1am - albeit finding time to sit down and watch the Man United game on TV for example! I had to pack our TV up later in the evening too. There's a problem with the sound, so the manufacturers are picking it up today for repair. Which means I've had to dig my old 14 inch "old school" TV down from the loft. It's amazing how relative things can be, after having our huge LCD TV for so long, watching anything on a portable is rather disconcerting. I really hope they don't take too long before it's returned!
Aside from TV's, dogs, organising, research, etc, etc my main priority yesterday was to take Luca swimming again. After the unmitigated disaster that was Saturday, my hopes weren't high. Indeed, I doubted if I could handle seeing little porky in such distress again. However, it was akin to taking a completely different toddler along. He was great, albeit still extremely trepidacious. I tried to turn everything into a game, and made sure we did everything very gradually. Indeed, we didn't even go into the water for the first ten minutes we were there, and merely watched proceedings from the side of the child pool. Slowly I edged us into the water, and by the time we left he was even - very nervously albeit - pushing a ball through the water. If progress continues we may have a brown haired scavenger daring to enter a Tenerifian (is that right?) swimming pool two months from now.
Buoyed by this success, we went to the shops afterwards to buy some dinner. Carole had her fitenss class, so we were fending for ourselves - a dangerous situation for us! Luca had a tuna sandwich, potato salad and cheesecake for his tea and loved them all.
OK, I ate most of the cheesecake.
**Useless fact of the day - There are at least two forms of laser treatment, and apparently - according to a major medical report circa 2008 - for port wine stains (the mark under Luca's lip) it is most effective to treat using BOTH standard and carbon dioxide laser. It may be worth discussing this with the consultant at Livingston hospital next month**
A shame though, as the video in particular is quite funny. Watch out for that later tonight.
And mum, yes, the last photo's were of Sima bouncing on Isis's head and mauling her ears. This is quite normal behavour for her, and Isis loves it - she's a new dog. Neither Abby nor Tyler were ever particularly keen on playing with her, so she's taking full advantage now she has a hyperactive terrier constantly on the go.
I was off work yesterday (I'm still trying to use up last years holiday allowance) so got to spend some real time with Sima. She's learning fast. I had her out of her cage almost all day, and we didn't have a single "accident". She's growing rapidly too, and as such I'm able to take her on (relatively) normal walks. It's nice to have a mutt to walk again, especially as Sima's so well behaved when we're out - I'm just waiting for something to go wrong, she's far too well behaved for a pup.....
Although it was day off work, it certainly wasn't a day of rest. I was on the go from 7am to 1am - albeit finding time to sit down and watch the Man United game on TV for example! I had to pack our TV up later in the evening too. There's a problem with the sound, so the manufacturers are picking it up today for repair. Which means I've had to dig my old 14 inch "old school" TV down from the loft. It's amazing how relative things can be, after having our huge LCD TV for so long, watching anything on a portable is rather disconcerting. I really hope they don't take too long before it's returned!
Aside from TV's, dogs, organising, research, etc, etc my main priority yesterday was to take Luca swimming again. After the unmitigated disaster that was Saturday, my hopes weren't high. Indeed, I doubted if I could handle seeing little porky in such distress again. However, it was akin to taking a completely different toddler along. He was great, albeit still extremely trepidacious. I tried to turn everything into a game, and made sure we did everything very gradually. Indeed, we didn't even go into the water for the first ten minutes we were there, and merely watched proceedings from the side of the child pool. Slowly I edged us into the water, and by the time we left he was even - very nervously albeit - pushing a ball through the water. If progress continues we may have a brown haired scavenger daring to enter a Tenerifian (is that right?) swimming pool two months from now.
Buoyed by this success, we went to the shops afterwards to buy some dinner. Carole had her fitenss class, so we were fending for ourselves - a dangerous situation for us! Luca had a tuna sandwich, potato salad and cheesecake for his tea and loved them all.
OK, I ate most of the cheesecake.
**Useless fact of the day - There are at least two forms of laser treatment, and apparently - according to a major medical report circa 2008 - for port wine stains (the mark under Luca's lip) it is most effective to treat using BOTH standard and carbon dioxide laser. It may be worth discussing this with the consultant at Livingston hospital next month**
Monday, 19 January 2009
Monday 19th January 2009 - PART 2
Perhaps I should stick to maps of Tenerife (see blog below) rather than continuing to post fuzzy photos. I won't take all the blame however, as I live in the house of perpetual motion. It is beyond the realms of possibility to get Luca, Carole, Isis or Sima to sit still for just one second while I attempt to record the images at which we'll laugh when we're old and grey.
So not too long away then.
I'm not long home, and only saw Luca for a few seconds before he hit the hay. According to his mum he'd been a jolly little blighter since she'd picked him up from nursery. Or words to that effect.
I've been doing some research on Luca's poor eating habits (as hints and tips weren't particularly forthcoming from family...) and it rather appears that this is a common problem. Indeed, a study was compiled last year that ascertained that although 49% of participants felt their toddler wasn't getting enough vitamins/volume/variety/etc of food, tests showed that 100% of the toddlers were getting everything they needed. Turns out we're all a little funny about this kind of thing. There are various ways of resolving this problem, mainly making new food familiar. For example we give him a plate of something he really enjoys - such as macaroni cheese - and place a small spoonfull of something he has previously refused to try - such as mixed rice - on the side. He will, apparently, likely refuse to eat the rice initially, but if we continue to place a spoon of this at the side of his plate at every meal he'll become familiar with it and try it.
I've been doing some research on Luca's poor eating habits (as hints and tips weren't particularly forthcoming from family...) and it rather appears that this is a common problem. Indeed, a study was compiled last year that ascertained that although 49% of participants felt their toddler wasn't getting enough vitamins/volume/variety/etc of food, tests showed that 100% of the toddlers were getting everything they needed. Turns out we're all a little funny about this kind of thing. There are various ways of resolving this problem, mainly making new food familiar. For example we give him a plate of something he really enjoys - such as macaroni cheese - and place a small spoonfull of something he has previously refused to try - such as mixed rice - on the side. He will, apparently, likely refuse to eat the rice initially, but if we continue to place a spoon of this at the side of his plate at every meal he'll become familiar with it and try it.
Kelly is our resident psychologist, and I'm sure she could explain that in a far more concise manner!
More detail tomorrow, tonight I'm shutting down and heading for chocolate and Big Brother. I'm easily pleased.
**Useless fact of the day (part 2) - Tenerife has 67.14 kilometers of beaches, surpassed only in this respect by the island of Fuerteventura**
Monday 19th January 2009

Monday morning - don't you just love it? To cheer myself up up on the laboriously long drive into the office this morning (average speed achieved a whopping 15 miles per hour) I allowed myself thoughts of the upcoming holiday to Tenerife. It lifts the spirit a little when you think of the average 26 degree heat that is pending, although getting drenched in the pouring rain in the 50 yard dash between the car and the door to my office removed any positive feelings at rather a quicker rate than they'd originally been achieved!
Luca and I spent most of yesterday at his grandparents house (and no doubt you'll have already seen the photo's on Dad's blog) while Carole went to her fitness class. My main reason for going through was to watch the Aberdeen V Celtic game on Setanta, although Luca seemed to have his own reasons - namely to dismantle his Gran's kitchen piece by piece. And, fair play to the wee man, he came exceptionally close to achieving his plans.
The game was great too - a cracking victory for Aberdeen - although slightly marred by the rumours that have gained momentum since the game that our manager will be leaving us to manage Norwich City. Norwich. Who wants to live there? It's apparently one of the most boring cities in the UK to live in. Still warmer than Aberdeen though I suppose....
Dad and I were yesterday discussing plans to visit Terife's football ground while we're there. They have a team in Spains top diviosn (alongside such illuminaries as Barcelona and Real Madrid). I say we, more I was talking him into it. Craig, Scott and Ross - any of you keen? Doubful, I know.
Actually, reverse that. I just "googled" Tenerife FC and it appears they got relegated last season. However, I think this means we'll be able to get tickets for a game without too much trouble. Coincidentally, they have a home game against Cordoba on the 29th! I'm going, as is Carole (though I haven't yet asked her...) - who's joining us?
This week Carole and I are going to the cinema to see the new "Underworld" movie, Not my cup of tea, but the original movie is one of Carole's all time favourites. I'll let you know if it was any good next week. Even if it isn't, any chance to go somewhere that sells pick'n'mix should be visited at any opportunity!
And talking of movies, Carole and I watched "Snakes On A Plane" on Saturday night. One word. Don't.
**Useless fact of the day - According to legend, Tenerife was believed to be one of the uppermost peaks of Atlantis, which catastrophically sank under the ocean leaving only the highest mountains above sea level**
Friday, 16 January 2009
Friday 16th January 2009

Who's buying one? Go to link I googled ickle Luca's name online, and it turns out there are these sweatshirts for sale on Amazon - superb!
OK, I've done this in order to supply you with a relevant, non archive picture. I can't preach what I don't practice myself, and after yesterday's blog it wouldn't be proper for me to feature, for example, an image of Luca at 3 months.
Nor would I be able anyway, as most photo's are stored on my home PC...
Tonight I'm heading home to briefly to see pretty face one and pretty face two (not Isis and Sima) before heading to Banchory for a game of football - my first in about 6 months I think! I'll see dad briefly too, as his group are playing on the same pitch just before us. Indeed, he's now called ina favour and taken 15 minutes of our allotted time after finding out we were on after him!
Tomorrow we're taking Luca swimming at 11am. I'll take him in while Carole stays on the edge of the pool - she'll be armed with significant volumes of chocolate, which will most likely be loaded into the bottomless pit that is his stomach on a regular basis during our time there. Anything to tide the almost unstoppable wail that will - fully predictably - emerge from him throughout.
Wish us well - updates and photo's will follow tomorrow
**Useless fact of the day - There are only 22 songs in existence which feature the name Luca**
Thursday, 15 January 2009
Thursday 15th January 2009
Have I created a precedent? I've noticed recently that certain fellow bloggers have recently been following my lead in "archive photo's", which really is just an excuse for all of us not to take new pictures of the special ones in our lives. We need to end this now and get back to taking new pictures! This can be our New Years resolution.
Yes, I'm aware of the irony that I haven't posted any pictures on todays blog....
I do actually have a few (vaguely) humorous images of Luca that I've not yet posted, and I'll add these later tonight. And speaking of whom, guess who's been living up to his middle name again? (his full name is Luca Awkward Stewart for those not in the know). Since his return home from his grandparents last night, "Mini Me" has been insisting on wearing his new cardigan continuously. Granny Jo, after a month of hard labour, has finally finished knitting a stylish red cardie (or cardigidigidigidigan as Luca would say). It's proving to be a little too popular as he wasn't too keen to take it off last night when we got him ready for bed, and was even worse this morning. I woke him for his breakfast and, as per normal, tried to put his old blue cardigan on to keep him warm. He immediately objected despite being half asleep and started shouting, as he pointed across to the other side of the room "cardigidgidigan". Unless you're a bit slow then I don't think I need to tell you what he was pointing at.
He was pointing at his new red cardigan Kelly...
Sorry. Pot's, kettles and all that...
Puppy's doing well too, not too much pooing around the house just now, though we'll be glad when we can fully trust her to wander around the house unsupervised and unlikely to squat. I say we, I don't however include Isis in that. She's still getting terribly bullied by the snapper, and it doesn't help that she's got a little virus too which means she's on antibiotics and we have to starve her for 24 hours. Indeed, due to the rumbles coming from her stomach the chance always exists that Sima may turn very quickly from a buddy into a tasty treat....
**Useless fact of the day - Tickets go on sale tomorrow at Aberdeen Music Hall for 3 gigs by comedian Jimmy Carr. I'm considering purchasing for a show after having recently revised my opinion from "annoying stub nosed little git" to "moderately amusing funny looking git"**
Yes, I'm aware of the irony that I haven't posted any pictures on todays blog....
I do actually have a few (vaguely) humorous images of Luca that I've not yet posted, and I'll add these later tonight. And speaking of whom, guess who's been living up to his middle name again? (his full name is Luca Awkward Stewart for those not in the know). Since his return home from his grandparents last night, "Mini Me" has been insisting on wearing his new cardigan continuously. Granny Jo, after a month of hard labour, has finally finished knitting a stylish red cardie (or cardigidigidigidigan as Luca would say). It's proving to be a little too popular as he wasn't too keen to take it off last night when we got him ready for bed, and was even worse this morning. I woke him for his breakfast and, as per normal, tried to put his old blue cardigan on to keep him warm. He immediately objected despite being half asleep and started shouting, as he pointed across to the other side of the room "cardigidgidigan". Unless you're a bit slow then I don't think I need to tell you what he was pointing at.
He was pointing at his new red cardigan Kelly...
Sorry. Pot's, kettles and all that...
Puppy's doing well too, not too much pooing around the house just now, though we'll be glad when we can fully trust her to wander around the house unsupervised and unlikely to squat. I say we, I don't however include Isis in that. She's still getting terribly bullied by the snapper, and it doesn't help that she's got a little virus too which means she's on antibiotics and we have to starve her for 24 hours. Indeed, due to the rumbles coming from her stomach the chance always exists that Sima may turn very quickly from a buddy into a tasty treat....
**Useless fact of the day - Tickets go on sale tomorrow at Aberdeen Music Hall for 3 gigs by comedian Jimmy Carr. I'm considering purchasing for a show after having recently revised my opinion from "annoying stub nosed little git" to "moderately amusing funny looking git"**
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
Tuesday 13th January 2009
As is standard, todays photo's and video's predominantly involve Luca. Well, what did you expect, pictures of Carole? It's not uncommon for Carole to play unofficial games of hide and seek when the camera comes out. Though if we try and seek her....
That said, Carole's been to another combat class at Bannatynes tonight so she's certainly taking this membership seriously - I think we may have a Linda Hamilton lookalike by the time we head for the sun at the end of next month!
Linda Hamilton was the significant female character in Terminator's 1 and 2, for the non movie buffs out there. She had rather impressive "ficeps" (female biceps) by the time the sequel was released.
While Carole oiled herself up (well, I imagine that's what they do at these classes) I picked Luca up from nursery. It was no great hardship as I was off today - I'm still trying to use up last years holidays. One of the featured videos was taken as Luca and I ate our tea tonight. This is a relatively new feature to our daily lifes, we're trying to eat tea with him rather than giving him his tea and eating ours later (in blissful peace) once he enters the land of nod. He's doing well with it so far, although work will obviously preclude this on certain days. Our only great difficulty is coming from his increased fussiness over what he'll eat. Indeed, the only (technically) non processed food he eats every time is Carole's home made macaroni cheese. We need to widen the variety of his diet to get more vitmains, fibre, etc into him but it's not easy. Any suggestions?
Jumping backwards slightly (you can probably understand why I've never really got much further than two thirds of the way writing any of my novels - my attempts at structure sucks!) you'll have noticed I was off today. I'd like to say that my free day was hugely productive, but that would ease me slightly into the "big fat fibber" category. Other than shopping and (an exceptionally limited) house tidy the day pretty much flew away from me. In a good way though - after the dreadfully busy "on call" weekend that preceeded I needed a day to switch off and relax. Rather pathetically, I'm somewhat pleased with the fact that today I've managed to locate a code to go online to play "PES 2008" on the Playstation 3. I can now play against people on the other side of the world, but more importantly I can play against Ross from the comfort of my own sofa. Undoubtedly, I think part of the reason he got Carole and I this obscenely expensive Christmas gift was to open up the option of online challenge games against me (which he'll naturally win the majority of....)
Bouncing even further back - like a bouncy castle filled with hash smoke - I'm chuffed Lucy's enjoying the "horsey horsey" video of Luca. It's veritably the best video I've taken of him. He's actually a very bright boy who learns new things every day, but it's generally quite difficult to catch them on video. Partly due to his learning constantly updating, but more often down to his general awkwardness! "Luca, can you show us the dance?" "No" "Please" "No"
That's a pretty normal conversation with Sir Chubly.
I'm listening to "The Aliens" album as I type this. It's an album which, on it's release a year or so ago, was welcomed by the music press for it's delicate harmonies, strong songwriting and originality. This is the third time I've listened to it now (you have to give albums a good chance to seep into your consciousness) and I've decided to write a detailed and objective review of it. It's crap. That's it. In fact, so bad I'm signing off now so I can extend my IQ further by watching "Celebrity Big Brother" on TV.
There's always one last thing though - we're taking Luca swimming on Saturday. I'll ensure Carole videos it (she's oveseeing from poolside while I'm doing the actual swimmimg with him). We may be able to release the footage as a sequel to "The Exorcist". You think I jest? Just wait and see...
**Useless fact of the day - Many experts consider the recession to be a myth. Indeed, in the US (where the recession is thought to have hit hardest) a number of facts dispel the fears. For example, under Clinton America's unemployment was 5.2%. Under "Dubya" it was 5.2%. Today it stands at 4.8%**
Monday, 12 January 2009
Monday 12th January 2009
I'm afraid I still can't upload photo's at home, but strangely am having few problems in the office. To prove as such, see todays attached picture. Not old enough to be archive, not new enough to be relevant, and to top it off I may have posted this picture before. So apologies in triplicate!
It's actually easier for me to post blogs at work at the moment. I've just spent the preceeding weekend almost living in the office. What a weekend, the calls (mainly from BP) started almost immediately after leaving the office on Friday night, and continued throughout the day on both Saturday and Sunday. Indeed, I was even in the office on three separate occasions on Sunday. However, the aggravation was partly alleviated by the company - Luca joined me on the first two sojourns! We popped in firstly at 0930am on Sunday (which he objected slightly too - my office is quite sparse for a toddler!), followed by a repeat visit just after lunchtime, which he enjoyed a little more - on this occasion he helped me work! Kind of. To keep him amused I kept printing blank paper onto the printer which he delighted in running across the office to pick up, bring back to my desk and pop into my file. I think the Amazon forest had taken a bit of a battering by the time we were done! Once we were done he decided to emulate his Aunt Kelly by taking up long distance running. We did a few laps around the car park before his legs gave way!
We (as in Luca and I) also found time to go into Aberdeen to buy Sima a dog coat - extra extra small! He loved this as there were rabbits and fish for sale in the store, and he sat and watched so carefully it was almost as if he's been hypntised - the fish in particular were of great fascination.
Initially we had planned a family expedition to the Hazelhead petting zoo, but due to work, Caroles new fitness classes and the weather (good god brrrr) we've postponed until a later date. Speaking of Carole, she's carled up on the sofa at home just now. She awoke this morning feeling sick so she's taking it easy while I work and Luca spends his day (likely) causing chaos at nursery.
Although she'll likely recover quickly from the sickness, Carole may take a little longer to recover from the strains of her most recent fitness class. She had body combat yesterday, and judging by her rather restricted movement this morning I think it unlikely she'll manage to complete her intended four classes this week!
I've been a little lazier lately, and think I need to get my bony butt back to the gym. It's mainly Luca and Sima who've taken up my home time lately, but I guess I need to get a little fitness back and follow Caroles regime. I do have a membership at our local gym, but it's a bit cold and cr*p in there so I may cancel it and try the one at the Thainstone hotel. Perhaps that will get me exercising? My free time recently has been spent reading and watching movies. My present film is "American Gangster", which I'm quarter of the way through - I watch it at lunchtimes on my MP4. Good stuff, though my confidence in Russel Crowe's acting abilities lessen by the year. I'm also reading a book on puppy behaviour (very handly but excruciatingly dull), an autobiography of a cancer sufferer who completed the tour de France and have also just finsished Peter Crouch's (the 6ft 7inch footballer) autobiog. It was surprisingly good, he's a bit of a posh boy but is sharp and funny.
**Useless fact of the day - Peter Crouch played football for Liverpool for a couple of years, and is still a cult hero there. On website "This Is Anfield" they have hundreds of made up facts about him, including:-
There are seven Wonders of the World, each of whom one day hopes to meet Peter Crouch**
Friday, 9 January 2009
Friday 9th January 2009

Imagine my surprise when this picture dropped into my inbox. Since Sima's arrival with us at Christmas I've been trying to source his family history - the above picture is his dad! I'm now a tad worried as to her future prospects.

It's OK, as the non-mentally impaired among you will already has ascertained, the entire paragraph above is a lie. I simply don't have any new photo's to post and as such decided to follow Kelly's lead of just bunging any old image on! I liked this one as it is a real dog, and - rather unsurprisingly - has been voted the worlds ugliest dog.
I do actually have a few new images of Lucaon the camera, but for some reason can't upload them just now. Be assured, however, I will keep trying - his poses will be with you before long.
What's happened this week? Not a lot, Luca has been back to nursery after New Year and has started in a new section - the 2 years plus. He seems to be settling in well, though in this older age section they get more tellings off! No doubt he will break the record for such disciplinary action.... They're also insisting on the wee ones drinking out of proper cups rather than beakers. This isn't something we've yet attempted with Luca, so a messy time is on the horizon.
Aside from this, he's also spent some time with Granny, Granda and Uncle Ross. Or Grama, Dadad and Boss in "Luca's language"! Ross is starting to become quite popular with the wee man now for some reason. He's always shown a certain hesitation to him before but the warming process has started. Fine by me, that's an extra babysitter now!
Still not happy with Kelly for moving away not long after he was born before she fulfilled her babysitting duties however! There is many a movie at the cinema we've missed because of the lack of an auntie you know...
Speaking of films, we watched "Juno" on DVD last night. Terrific movie, but spoilt by sound problems. It received a rare double thumbs up from us though, so catch it if you haven't already.
Carole started her new membership at Bannatynes this week, and, by all accounts, loved it. She's starting on two classes a week, but hopes to increase to four long term. She's going to be sore....
We've quite a quiet weekend coming up. Tomorrow we're taking Luca to Hazelhead to the petting farm, and will hopefully take Sima on her first real expedition too. I took her to the vet on Tuesday for her second injection, and as such she's now allowed to roam without the fear of infection. This will be great fun or an absolute nightmare! On Sunday I'm popping into the office first thing (an urgent piece is arriving into Matthews Quay for BP I need to deal with) before Carole has another class at Bannatynes. All dependant on weather in chilly Scotland nonetheless...
**Useless fact of the day - When Abby was around she was always top dog, with Isis as the bottom runger. Despite Abby's passing, she stayed at the bottom after Luca came along as he very quickly asserted his dominance over her (and us for that matter). I'm sure she thought with the addition of an eight week old puppy that she'd rise up a stage. Wrong. Sima already bullies the poor wolf, savaging her tail and jumping on her head. We now intend to buy a goldfish in order to give the "guffmonster" a fighting chance...**
Monday, 5 January 2009
Monday 5th January 2009 - Part 2
As promised earlier, here's the visual delicacy for your perusal. So good it's like mixing cocaine with chocolate whilst skydiving. It's difficult to tell at times (mainly due to me completing the actions behind the camera too) but just watch and enjoy. To understand fully, after singing "Horsey, horsey don't you stop" he puts out his hand to indicate stop. After "Just let your feet go clippety clop" he stamps his feet. After "The tail gos swish" he puts his hand behind his back and starts waving it to replicate a tail, before finishing with twirling his leg like a wheel after "And the wheel go round". We then repeat from the start to prove it wasn't a fluke! Hope you enjoy it. Buona notte.
Monday 5th January 2009
A very belated Happy New Year to y'all. I hope you all had a better time than we did...Based on her blog it appears Kelly certainly did! I'm really rather glad she's admitted that she'll be witholding the pretences this year and openly watching "Celebrity Big Brother". Does that mean Carole and I can admit it too?
Actually, I'll reverse that - I don't find myself particularly enthralled by it thus far so maybe (maybe) it won't gain air time in our house this year. A deciding factor could also be the Playstation 3 Ross got Carole and I for Christmas. It has proven to be a rather popular present! We've linked it up to our main TV in the living room, and as such our battle for dominance has commenced! Caroles taken to "Little Big World", while I'm addicted to "Fallout 3" (a rare event for me as I'm not really a gamer). As it's internet connectible too we can use it for all manner of applications Indeed we watched the last episode of "Survivors" (which we'd been kicking ourselves for missing) on BBC's Iplayer. It was actually quite disppointing as it's set up for another series. Part of the appeal for us was that it was only a six parter. More annoyingly however, the only version the Iplayer had included sign language at the side of the screen. To call it distracting would be an understatement - I almost switched it off in frustration.
However, we did manage to resist the temptation of the PS3 yesterday afternoon and watched "Look Who's Talking" on normal TV. Does anyone remember this movie? John Travolta, with Bruce Willis featuring as the voice of the baby. I vaguely remember watching this in the late 80's, but Carole and I sat transfixed throughout - it's the old soppy parent thing again methinks!
We were also out on Saturday night at friends for New Year drinks and nibbles. It was fun, but we hopped in a cab and headed back to mum and dads about 1130pm. I was a little drunken! My alcohol tolerance levels aren't what they once were! When we got back we were greeted with Ross playing with the puppy. I think he's taken a bit of a shine to Sima. Can't blame him, she's turning out to be a really sweet and obedient pup, though poor Isis's tail is taking aan absolute mauling from her! Isis doesn'rt mind though, I think she's really taken to her new little buddy.
Now we're into the New Year, it's time for the resolutions. Mine have already started (I'm going to be tidier and more liveable with!), while Carole's going to get fit again. Touch wood, we'll be signing her back up to Bannatynes gym. She's really missed it.
I'll post another blog tonight, including a video I took of Luca a few days ago. Not to raise levels of expectation, but it is the best Luca video ever.....
**Useless fact of the day - The original story from "Tales of 1001 Arabian Nights" begins, "Aladdin was a little Chinese boy"**
Actually, I'll reverse that - I don't find myself particularly enthralled by it thus far so maybe (maybe) it won't gain air time in our house this year. A deciding factor could also be the Playstation 3 Ross got Carole and I for Christmas. It has proven to be a rather popular present! We've linked it up to our main TV in the living room, and as such our battle for dominance has commenced! Caroles taken to "Little Big World", while I'm addicted to "Fallout 3" (a rare event for me as I'm not really a gamer). As it's internet connectible too we can use it for all manner of applications Indeed we watched the last episode of "Survivors" (which we'd been kicking ourselves for missing) on BBC's Iplayer. It was actually quite disppointing as it's set up for another series. Part of the appeal for us was that it was only a six parter. More annoyingly however, the only version the Iplayer had included sign language at the side of the screen. To call it distracting would be an understatement - I almost switched it off in frustration.
However, we did manage to resist the temptation of the PS3 yesterday afternoon and watched "Look Who's Talking" on normal TV. Does anyone remember this movie? John Travolta, with Bruce Willis featuring as the voice of the baby. I vaguely remember watching this in the late 80's, but Carole and I sat transfixed throughout - it's the old soppy parent thing again methinks!
We were also out on Saturday night at friends for New Year drinks and nibbles. It was fun, but we hopped in a cab and headed back to mum and dads about 1130pm. I was a little drunken! My alcohol tolerance levels aren't what they once were! When we got back we were greeted with Ross playing with the puppy. I think he's taken a bit of a shine to Sima. Can't blame him, she's turning out to be a really sweet and obedient pup, though poor Isis's tail is taking aan absolute mauling from her! Isis doesn'rt mind though, I think she's really taken to her new little buddy.
Now we're into the New Year, it's time for the resolutions. Mine have already started (I'm going to be tidier and more liveable with!), while Carole's going to get fit again. Touch wood, we'll be signing her back up to Bannatynes gym. She's really missed it.
I'll post another blog tonight, including a video I took of Luca a few days ago. Not to raise levels of expectation, but it is the best Luca video ever.....
**Useless fact of the day - The original story from "Tales of 1001 Arabian Nights" begins, "Aladdin was a little Chinese boy"**
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