Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Tuesday 27th January

My day off today has been rather appropriately timed - Luca's ill. Carole received a call mid afternoon yesterday from the nursery advising her to pick him up. He'd become suddenly rather unwell, and had almost entirely stopped communicating with the staff there. He'd basically pulled himself into his own little world to handle it. Carole got him home (he'd run toward her with a trembling lip when she arrived) and called the doctors, who basically told her to leave it a couple of days before contacting them again. Completely unhelpful, but depressingly pretty much what you expect.

He woke up at what is a relatively normal time for him today, and appears to have the start of a slight rash on his chest. It's barely noticeable thus far, so I'll keep an eye on it as the day progresses. After his mum left for work we went for a little drive in the car (he always loves that) before coming home and attempting to feed him - his appetite isn't great. However, he had a little (plain food only) and was chirpy anough, although very shortly after he led me upstairs and told me to put him him to bed. I took the above photo literally minutes after I'd put him down, he must have nodded off as soon as I linitially left the room.

My plans for the day are obviously not going to come to fruition now, but they can wait. My only disappointment is not being able to take him swimming during a quiet time.

I'll post another update later. Hopefully that enormously loud fart he released (I heard it from downstairs) won't wake him early - he needs his sleep.

**Useless fact of the day - Plants can fart. Nuff said**

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