Thursday, 21 May 2009

Thursday 21st May 2009

Firstly a belated Happy Birthday to Kelly. I sent her a text last night which wasn't replied to until this morning, the response only coming through as a rather sheepish sounding "had a great night but have a hangover now...."

While Kelly was likely drinking Cornwall dry of Scrumpy Jacks, a slightly more sedate evening was occurring in Inverurie-shire. Carole had her Wednesday class, so I found Mum babysitting her grandson when I arrived home from work. Despite the lateness of my arrival (well after 7pm due to a brief shop stop off on route), Luca still hadn't eaten any tea. His Grannie's insistance that he just wan't hungry rather fell on deaf ears, as I'm well aware how much she loses track of time when playing with her favourite short person (Ronnie Corbett exempted)!

Indeed, he seemed rather ravenous as I shovelled food down his throat!

He loves his Gran to bits though, and wasn't remotely impressed by my arrival home. "No Daddy" was the first thing he said to me as I walked into the house expecting (forlornly) to be greeted by an affectionate toddler. He warmed slightly as the food came out - especially surprisingly enjoying his first experience of 85% dark chocolate - and gave me his perfunctory kiss and cuddle (it's like a duty he performs rather than any great show of affection) before toddling up to bed with Gran.

Only about an hour later than he should......

Carole arrived home shortly after, and chatted to Mum for awhile while I cooked a bean risotto for tea. Mum didn't want to stay for tea, which worried me slightly as she looked at the frying pan before she answered, but it turned out pretty well despite me (as normal) using the recipe I'd printed from the internet as a vague guideline rather than a set list of instructions.

Later (after eating, cleaning, washing, dog walking, etc) we watched "The Apprentice" - which was the first time we'd caught it on BBC (rather than at a later date on the I-Player) since the season commenced. It was good, but we were rather perplexed with the decision to fire Ben, who appeared to have done little wrong other than growing a rather curious bum fluffy bit of stubble under his chin (s)

Yes, pots, kettles and all that.

**Conspiracy Theory of the Day - The earth is flat, and the government is keeping this from us. Why, I'm really not sure of. Do we hear barrels being scraped?**

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