For your perusal tonight we have a variety of week old pictures. As a rule I perennially try to post any photo's online within 24 hours, so this demonstrates a real dereliction of my duties. Caroles bass level growl as I admitted my tardiness last night reminded me very abruptly of my responsibility.....
Last Sundays "Race for Life" is featured above, and though awash with far too much pink-ness (without even considering the overabundance of deely-boppers) is still one of the more legible photographs I've taken of late. Carole and Luca you know, while Karen (in the white shirt) is one of Carole closest friends. The other girls? Yep, my memory fails me yet again. Have I mentioned how worried I am by this? I'm turning into my Mother.....
Surprisingly, and frankly a little disturbingly, this picture wasn't posed. Luca stole his Mothers deely-boppers (are they still called that?), clearly deciding that sitting big pink fluffy balls atop a "John Motson" hat is a good look. Perhaps he's just ahead of fashion in this instance and we simply need to catch up with his trend setting ways.
OK, no argument, this one is posed. Doesn't it remind you of something though? "You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!"
Too obscure a reference? Please let me know!
Movie style theatrics apart, Luca always photographs well does he not? Here he is behavedly posing in front of his Dad, with both of us choosing not to make reference to the t-shirt he'd personally purchased himself for my Fathers Day gift.
He actually presented me with a bag full of gifts that very morning as I awoke (or more specifically as he forcibly woke me), although I was only allowed to keep a select few. The book and t-shirt I got to keep. The chocolate bar and bag of sweeties? Well, "assez dit" (as our Gallic friends would say) is probably a correct summation.....
For some reason he looks a little like Gok Wan here.
Later that day Luca and I drove to Banchory - the journey enriched by boisterous renditions of "twinkle twinkle little star" blaring from the short one - to visit an elder Stewart Daddy. Despite innumerable attempts, this picture is the closest we got to a blur free Granda/Grandson picture on Fathers Day. By this stage of the day he was so pumped up by sweet food and lack of sleep that nothing short or Armageddon could have taken him down.
Is this the last blog? Am I, as suspected by Dad, using this as a ruse to encourage the rest of the family to update more often? Ambiguously the answer is yes and no.
**Useless Fact of the Day - It's well known that in many Far East countries dogs are viewed as food rather than pets. What is less known is that often the dogs are skinned alive before being hung up by their neck to die. Koreans in particular believe that dogs that die painfully will release more adrenaline into their flesh, creating a more potent and flavourful meat**
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