As promised here sits a big boy atop his big boy bed.
He may not be smiling in this picture, but suffice to say he loves the change in his bedtime environment. The look of wonderment that adorned that cherubic (yet cunning) face was a sight to behold. Imagine Alan Carr's genes spliced with those of Leslie Phillips and you can probably imagine how overstated and camp Luca's exclamation of "Oooooh" was when brought into his bedroom to witness the new sleep time apparatus.
For the life of me I can't place who he looks like in this picture. So familiar though. Peter Kay perchance? See the picture below to compare and decide whether I should worry about the "wacky" funnyman's whereabouts on a wet and windy night 40 months ago:-

No? Just me that sees it?
Yes, I know Luca's far too good looking before any irate relatives make comment!
Anyway, here's a better picture, this one of Luca perfecting his "come to bed" eyes which will likely serve him well about 14 years from now. Sorry, Carole's looking over my shoulder, I meant in about 30 years time when he's married to an exceptionally rich woman with a healthy uterus whom Carole has previously vetted and approved.
And here's a final one. His first night in his first bed, minutes before his eyes closed in blissful sleep. Night night Iggle Piggle.
It's late so I shan't bore you much further. The only other updates are that Isis' recovery continues unabated. She's just had her second check up by the vet who's put her on medication for ten days, but based on her remarkable recovery this is merely to err on the safe side of caution. And finally, I'm taking a road trip with Ross on Saturday. We've identified five cars in the Glasgow/Edinburgh area which we're going to test drive, one of which will be chosen as my wheezy old banger.
Similarly to how Carole described me in my pre-smoke free days.
**Useless fact of the day - The Centers for Disease Controls list of the World's Most addictive substances places cigarettes at the top of the list. Heroin is placed 5th**
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