Too many days have passed between blogs - again. This week it's been sort of unavoidable due to a hectic week at work, complicated further by five staff members being off concurrently. As the main reason for this was due to holidays I've already put measures into place to ensure this will not happen again!

I've still managed to see Luca most nights however, mainly due to a reduction in my commuting time - I'm off the buses and back in a car at last! The main work to my new (old?) Audi is complete and as such I've been hitting the open roads again. A nice feeling certainly, and a real bonus this week when taking into account my increased hours in the office. Perversely however, I'd got used to public transport to such an extent that I will miss it to a degree. Living life without the added complication of road rage is not necessarily a bad thing!

That said, the extra time (and energy) afforded by driving has offered me the chance to do
a little more with my spare time. As such, this week I've been to
Banchory, Aberdeen city centre, the gym (twice!) and, most recently,
Pittodrie (
Aberdeens football ground). However, the latter event (from yesterday) wasn't the positive I thought it may be. Another in a long succession of heavy defeats demonstrated again the perverse
torture football fans put themselves through year after year.

The trip to the pub apres game was good though......
As always, Luca's been fun this week too. Both his Mum and Grandma have embarrassed me this week by putting Luca on the phone to me while I've been at work. Nothing wrong with that you may think, but due to the industry I work in it's rare that I'm alone in my office, and as such on both occasions I've had to endure the usual strange, cutesy, stilted telephone conversation with my son while a colleague stands beside me waiting to discuss something. You know that feeling you get when you feel your ears go red and burn hotter than the surface of the sun? Yep, both times.
Health wise Luca hasn't had a great week however. He's just as buoyant as ever, but he's been using the toilet far more than normal. Indeed, it's commonplace for him to have a poo 3 or 4 times within the space of several minutes. Usually the last two are mainly mucous based. It's a curious one, but did appear to improve at the end of the week. However, frustratingly, it's returned with a vengeance this weekend so a doctors appointment will be necessary tomorrow.
Carole and I are both resisting the temptation to do an internet diagnosis before then. The last time I did that was when something was flagged up during my works medical a couple of years ago. I googled the problem and immediately convinced myself that I was about to suffer kidney failure. However, it turned out that I was just a little dehydrated that day...... Lessons learnt eh?
I'm still doing the majority of the evening cooking right now, and I've just realised that we've been living on almost entirely vegetarian concoctions of late. Even more strangely is the fact that I haven't missed eating meat at all. Now I'm consciously aware of this fact I'm seriously considering letting this experiment continue indefinitely.
Yesterday was primarily a washout due to football/exercise classes/shopping/pub/etc but today has been much more productive on the home front. Caroles gutted the inside of the house while outside, dangerously, I've been attempting my DIY thing. I'm terrible at anything DIY related (as most of you are painfully aware) but the decking in our back garden needed sorted and as I couldn't think of a legitimate reason to put it off any further I threw myself into it. After much clearing, fixing, sanding and oiling we have a much more pleasing view from our kitchen patio doors. I'm adding another coat during the week (weather permitting - this is Scotland remember!) but at last most summer jobs are almost complete before the summer ends.
I'll update again in a day or two with the results from Luca's doctors appointment. I'm aware I haven't mentioned too many Luca related incidents this week, but that's not to say there's not been any. He's ridden me like a horse, made his own sandwiches, learnt the alphabet, watched "Lazy Town" on television too many times for our sanity to hold firm, had his hair cut, continues to insist Sima is his dog (not Caroles or mine!), had nightmares where "the dinosaurs coming to get me" and tried to run down the supermarket escalator as it moved upwards....
My "finally" paragraph encapsulates two subjects today. Firstly, we've found a football training class for children aged from two years plus. Unfortunately it only takes place during the day on weekdays. I'll avoid "Victor Medrewing" about the fact that most fathers work and hence can't take their son to classes during the week (grrrr) and simply placate myself with the fact that once a month I'll take a half day from work and take him along. Even if he doesn't enjoy it we can instead spend the afternoons making prank phone calls to his mummy.
Secondly - yes I'm aware my final paragraph has split into two - in response to Dad's musings on what colour his new BMW Tourer should be, I asked Luca what he thought earlier today. "Yellow" was his suggestion.
**Useless fact of the day - Rumour has it that if you say the Lord's Prayer backwards at midnight whilst staring in a mirror, the devil will appear behind you**