A veritable plethora of pictures today. Have I set a personal record? Much has happened since my last blog - which in itself seems a century ago - although as usual I'll skirt round the verges of what has happened rather than go into too great a detail. As per normal I write this at "rudely late at night" o'clock. I'm so tired my eyeballs are drier than a Richard Pryor punchline.
And talking of dryness, Luca's potty training has proven to be a great success. At least until Sunday morning...... The wee man had a bad case of diarrhoea! I don't know whether he or his Mum were more shocked when it first happened, but suffice to say his very cute pair of Iggle Piggle pants now reside in the bin rather then his cupboard. A couple more episodes ensued, and allied with this he continually approached us saying "My tummy hurts" before leaning in very sombrely for extended cuddles.
As such, Carole took today off work to look after him, while I'll do my duty tomorrow. That said, it is purely precautionary now - his recovery appears to have been as rapid as the bugs initial arrival.
It's strange how quickly these things can come on. Only 24 hours previously he'd accompanied me to the airport to collect his grandparents from their American holiday and had been full of beans. Indeed, so excited was he with the prospect of seeing them after weeks without contact he spent much of the journey to the airport screaming their names. "Going to see GRANNY! And GRANDA". Most likely they heard him as they approached from 30000 feet.
He's actually mentioned his Granda regularly of late, mainly due to the presence of his car in our driveway. I utilised his Volvo while they were away mainly to assist me in my search for a new car. And, at last, the search is over. The picture below shows the style/colour/etc, and it'll be on the road in the next couple of days.

Thankfully my busing/walking days near the end - as my back is presently ageing more quickly than any other part of my body. Yesterday for no good reason (other than hoovering and playing with Luca) it packed up on me, causing the perverse sight of a 6ft 2 length of streaky bacon to be laid across our living room floor in near agony. Thankfully my family are kindly, caring people, so while Carole found new and ever more innovative ways to mock my predilection Luca decided that a Dad on the floor is to used primarily as a step to jump from. Over and over he climbed onto my stomach before jumping off. You think he's still little and light? You tell that to my back......
As the hour reaches "very, very rude o'clock" I must sign off. I am aware there are many facets of the past week I haven't covered, but I'll revert back to these instances in detail - at a more decent hour next time. Goodnight, and please pray for Luca's squirty bum and my creaky old back.
Finally (yes, this is my usual absent minded PPS), I have to mention the time discrepancy between the photo's on view. The ones with his Grandma Liz are indeed months old and are featured as I've only just discovered hidden away in the darkest reaches of the digital camera. However, they are found now and as such Luca's impressive belly can live on in great infamy.
**Useless fact of the day - Researchers found that around 80 percent of early-school-aged children that were overweight or obese still had weight issues by the time they reached the age of 12. The research also showed that what a child weighed as early as the age of 2 or 3 was a factor in what they weighed when they were 12.
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