With this we avoided such scenes as depicted in the above picture. It was bliss! No delaying tactics at bedtime, no midnight nightmares, no calls of "cover me" every time he flips his duvet off, no demands for attention at 6am as he loudly declares "I had a nice sleep!" It was a relaxed atmosphere in the house when we woke today. C'est tres bien!

The reason for his overnight sojourn was due to both Carole and I working today, with the Nursery still closed until January. A Monday night drive to Banchory seemed to make more sense than one this morning at the crack of dawn against commuter traffic! Also, his overnight stay allowed Carole and I to visit the cinema to see "Avatar" (as per the above picture)
The film was terrific, don't be fooled by the naff premise (it's set in the year 2154 as humans visit an alien world to dig for expensive rocks - see above picture). The film was an allegory for racism, slavery and tolerance - although thankfully avoiding the heavy handedness Hollywood often applies to this subject. The visuals were obviously the main draw, with it being the the most expensive 3D film ever made. James Cameron (the director) has spent the last 10 years solely devoted to making this film, and it's rumoured it cost $500 million to make!! The cost was certainly evident in places as you felt at times you were actually there.
We've a couple of things to do tonight, so with Mum coming through for Luca's birthday party tomorrow anyway I called her earlier and asked her to keep him another night. I was initially reluctant to not see the wee man for two nights but logistically it makes sense. Luca took the phone from his Gran to say hello which was nice, although he has inadvertantly let a cat out the bag. "What did you have for breakfast?" I asked. "Chocolate!" was the excitable reply. His Granny quickly recovered the handset (although not her composure) and desperately tried to convince me that his breakfast was of the healthier toast related variety. I believe you Mum......
However, she can state her case tomorrow at Luca's birthday party. Our baby will be 3 years old! Where has the time gone? Is my asking such a question a cliche?
Carole's got a few things ready for his birthday lunch (which I'll miss due to work), most importantly a "Peppa Pig" birthday cake. Shop bought of course - baking is not a skill either of us possess. Indeed Luca picked the cake himself when I took him to the shops yesterday afternoon. "Peppa Pig cake" he cried as I showed him around the cake section of the store. "You wouldn't rather have that one?" I pleaded with him, showing him another tastier looking cake for half the price. "No, want that one" he insisted, "Luca carry it". At this point I decided arguing wasn't an option as he strode purposely toward the checkout with a cake almost the size of his body in his arms.
**Useless fact of the day - Luca shares his birthday with an English Cricket player called Dick Spoon. Yes really**
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