Please Father, forgive me for my sins. It has been two weeks since my last blog.
Has there been any reason for me to update of late however? Carole and Luca drove Liz home last Monday (always a pleasure to have her here incidentally), leaving me with little of note to report. Are you really that interested in whether I scored four goals at football on Tuesday (I did) or whether I ate healthily during my families absence? (I didn't)
But.......they're now back home, and after a last minute house tidy comparative to BP's recent oil spill clean-up I welcomed them back, along with our latest guest - Luca's big cousin Ben has joined us for the week following the end of his exams.
Luca, of course, reminded me why I'd missed him. I called Caroles mobile on Friday as they drove up the road, only for her to to be drowned out by a toddler gasping "Aaaah, that's my Daddy, that's my Daddy! I miss you Daddy". Enough to bring a lump to the throat of any semi-starved Dad (I told you, I really didn't eat well)
Following their arrival in Inverurie - and Luca's rapid ascent to bed and the land of nod - I "welcomed" Carole and Ben with a DVD to chill out in front of. It starred Hugh Grant and Sarah Jessica Parker and was called "Have You Met The Morgans?" We really wish we hadn't. Carole nominated it as possibly the worst film she'd ever seen, while Ben's summary was a little more succinct - he went out for a jog half way through!
Yesterday (Saturday) was much better. We drove into Aberdeen where we broke into pairs. Carole and Ben went in search of somewhere to obtain a third ear piercing for Ben (strewth, I hope he's told his Mum - this is a real Pandora's box moment) while Luca and I went to.....well, just cause chaos pretty much.
Later Carole dragged Ben out hill walking with the dogs, while Luca and I assembled the £8.99 barbecue we'd purchased earlier that day. Luca was of genuine help, and sat alongside me patiently throughout, supplying me with each part as required.
"Small black screw please Luca"
"Here you go Daddy"
"Thank you Luca. I need a screwdriver now"
"OK Daddy, here you go"
"No Luca, that's a pencil"
"Ooops, sorry Daddy"
The funniest part was on completion, when I told him what a great help he'd been. He became overwhelmed and threw his arms round my neck and snuggled in before triumphantly rising and bouncing away on his nearby space hopper. Here he is below with his creation:-

The barbecue went well. Ish. A couple of steaks were a little on the scorched side, but all was eaten and enjoyed. I think. I partook in around 9 or 10 Jack Daniels while cooking. I think it's a caveman thing. Me drink, me make fire, burn dead animals.
The remnants were devoured by fitness fiend Ben this morning (he's almost unrecognisable from when I last met him) before he and I visited my local gym. Following my attempt to rid our house of it's Jack Daniels content only 12 hours before I took it a little easy to begin with, but Ben cracked straight on with the loose weights, impressively bench pressing away. The joys of youth......
Following this, we returned home to collect Carole and Luca and drove down to the Highland Games in Stonehaven. Ben, of course, was a little perplexed by the curious spectacle of "tossing the caber" (not a double entendre), while Luca was most entranced by the Tug'O'War. "They getting very muddy" came the blindingly obvious statement from the tot as a dozen 17 stone+ men destroyed the turf and dug their heels half way to Australia.
More comment and pictures to follow tomorrow, time permitting.
**Useless fact of the day - The “Haggis Toss” is not a traditional Highland game. Indeed, tossing a haggis about is a criminal waste of food, so flying haggis at true Highland Games is right out**
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