Has everyone voted for Carole yet? If not, please do so in order to ensure I'm able to return home from work to smiles and tasty dinners rather than scowls and leftovers over the coming month.
Speaking of work, despite the UK officially remaining on holiday until Wednesday 5th, much of my afternoon has been spent in front of the PC logged onto my work account, following innumerable requirements by foreign based customers and agents. As previously commented, I love my job sometimes.
Actually, I do normally like it. Is that weird? Are you supposed to enjoy rather than endure work? I feel a new poll topic coming on......
Today hasn't been an entire waste however. Earlier I took Luca out for a short sojourn, partly to purchase some necessities, but also to give his Mum some peace to clean and cook lunch for her friends (Gail) imminent visit. Luca, as is his wont, alternated wildly between huge displays of enthusiasm followed by sudden drops of energy. He's still a little unwell, albeit showing a little improvement.
I am wondering if it's a bug that affects his brain however. Curiously, over the last few weeks, he has begun to mistakenly call me "Mum" on occasion. What does this mean? Answers on a postcard please.
I'm purposely ignoring the obvious explanation, that he shares a similar mental capacity to his Granny Jo, who is notorious for getting names wrong. If there is a God, I may start praying - surely we can't be condemned with two of the same ilk?
I'm only joshing Mother
Our short forgetful boy enjoyed a long day yesterday, as Carole and I drove him to Aberdeen to enjoy/endure the New Year sales. While there, Carole took him to see "Animals Utd" at the cinema while I browsed the shops. Why didn't I go in with them? Firstly, because following a Christmas/New Year break primarily spent sitting down and eating, I was glad of the chance of a wander for a couple of hours.
And secondly because I'd seen the reviews to said movie........
We all met up again afterwards (just in time, as I'd found a bar in their absence and my first and only alcoholic beverage had give me a taste for it) and diversified the rest of the day between responsible shopping (purchasing storage containers and crockery) and ensuring Luca didn't break/steal too many items that would be noticed. Still, the main point of the day was met - little scruffy head was utterly exhausted by his efforts and ambled to bed early, allowing his Mum and I a little more free time than we're commonly used to.
We spent the remaining proportion of the evening watching "The Godfather Part 2" on TV, which followed our viewing of the original instalment the previous night (I think Part 3 is on tonight too). Unbelievably, for a movie buff such as myself, I've never seen this trilogy of movies, which have long been regarded as the greatest in cinema history.
And my reaction to the classic trilogy thus far? Is it heresay to suggest they're overly long and even perhaps even a little boring too?
At least Hogmanay wasn't as dull (I feel the God of moviedome will strike me down any second now). Although we neither went out, nor had people round this year, we at least had a little fun with it with an alcohol based pamper evening. I cooked (and we lived to tell the tale), and followed it up with copious supplies of Jack Daniels and Mojito's, all interspersed with relaxing baths and massages utilising some of the items I'd bought for Caroles Christmas - an electric massager (which looked like a futuristic shower head) and manual foot massager (which resembled an orange dog stool). All very amusing, and unbelievably the following day brought about a surprising lack of hangovers.
There is much else to tell but in the interim - Happy New Year
**Useless fact of the day - Massage is the oldest form of medical care. Egyptian temples show people being massaged**
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