It is infrequently that we are allowed to forget where we live. As the rain, snow and hail lash upon us - even attacking us horizontally at times - it is as if our home country is a jealous lover, unwilling to let us dream of another place. Scotland screams at us to love her because of and not despite her faults.
Today proves the theory. As I sat in my office, consciously willing the window to my right to continue to withstand the assault by hard rain, the weather reports provided us updates of the happenings on the unpleasant side of the window pane. Driving rain and gale force winds have barraged much of Scotland today with the North East taking the brunt. My journey home echoed scenes from movies such as "The Day After Tomorrow" and "2012" as my car intricately weaved through the dozens of fallen tree's in it's path.
Someones roof even ended up lying across the dual carriageway halfway between my office and home. Yes, a roof. Ironic really, your roof deserting you in severe weather is a bit like owning a dog that doesn't ever respond to your commands. Isis
At least the Scottish summer (cough) is consistent, much like our Luca. Every day he continues his quest to be the worlds most awkward 4 year old. His delaying tactics when we ask him to do something he doesn't like have now reached legendary status. My personal favourite is the new "fluff between the toes" tactic, which he employs every night before he puts his jammie's on. "Hold on" he'll demand as you attempt to get him ready for bed "I have fluff in my toes". He will then proceed to spend five minutes picking the imaginary fluff from between every one of his toes, determinedly never meeting your gaze, knowing that with eye contact endeth the lie.
He really frighteningly resembles his Mum now. Forget the physicality - eyes, hair, build, smile - he has taken on many of the nuances of his Mother, most pertinently his single minded and determined nature. I love the knowing look he gives you when you tell him to do something, the grin appearing on the corner of his mouth as he contemplates how to manipulate the situation into making you think you've won while actually ending up doing exactly what he wants.
I would write more, but with Lucy's earlier blog (about driving over snakes and chasing bears) having blown everyone elses efforts out the water for a least the next calendar year this effort feels a little superfluous.....
**Useless fact of the day - Despite misconceptions, Scotland actually has the longest summer days in the United Kingdom - 17 hours of daylight. Alternately, Scotland also has the shortest winter days, with a mere 7 hours of daylight**
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