The above was taken last weekend during a lunchtime stop at an astonishingly poorly run cafe in Westhill. Luca is attempting the perverse superhero trick of covering only his eyes to conceal his true identity. Well, if it worked for Batman, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Aquaman, etc then it can work for Luca. But what about Superman? All he did was slick his hair back. Why did no-one recognise him? And what's with the pants?

This is from Tuesday. Luca is still on half days at school, so this weeks challenge has been to find things to do to keep him amused in the afternoons. As the incredible quality of my picture taking illustrates, we took a train ride.

Wednesday now, and we took the newly re-imported (from her USA excursion) Granny out to lunch. I'm unsure as which is more prominent, Luca's fiercely determined stare or the fact Granny has much of her lunch attached to her chin.

And now today (Thursday). With Luca recently acquiring a curious fascination in fish, we arranged a visit to his Granda's fish factory in Fraserburgh. Lunch had to be located first however, and we stopped at an innocent looking cafe on route in a town called New Deer. As observant as ever, we'd been in the cafe for over 5 minutes before I realised it was one of those strange church cafe's you find in many rural towns up here. The waitresses, as standard in such establishments, were 116 years old with at least 2 crucifix necklaces on show each. I did worry Luca was going to burst into flame.

He didn't though, and we arrived into Fraserburgh shortly after. Granda received a quick greeting before we lost his attention to the fish tank in the back office. "His name is Borange Orange" Luca proudly announced upon realising no-one had ever named the offices pet fish.

Eventually his attention was re-established, and captured by the many seafaring paintings around the building.

Receiving instructions from Granda on how to behave when entering the factory. He appears to be kind of listening here, but his attention is clearly being drawn elsewhere. Unsurprisingly, it's"Borange Orange" in his line of vision here.
"Is there games on your computer?"
It took a while, but after a folding exercise involving this protective overall an origami master would have been proud of, we wrapped Luca up in preparation for his visit into the factory. He loved it, and had never touched a fish before today. "They're a bit slippery" was his conclusion. The only mildly worrying moment was when Granda demonstrated the machine that tore the skin from the fishes body. As his face turned grey we decided this was perhaps a step too far in his days education.....

A visit to the harbour followed, primarily to allow Luca's clearly still jet lagged Granda to pack up for home. Although he would rather have stayed with his Granda, the boats at the quay held great fascination for the intrepid lad, as did the assorted mutilation of the various catches on display. He is a boy after all.
**Useless fact of the day - 650,000 tons of fish are caught annually in the UK for consumption**