A perfect pale Scottish boy. Living in the North East of the UK gives you that distinctive goth-esque hue due the total absence of sun 11 months of the year. As you can see in the picture, he even has his hands tucked up inside the sleeves of his jacket. In Scotland, we learn to do that before even potty training.
Edit - Scots/English boy before the Southern most members of our family object. Indeed, I adore the fact that even within the same sentence he'll oft bounce between accents.
However, over the past few weeks his accent has noticeably become more anglicised. With my work necessitating an ever lessening presence at home he and his Mum have spent a great deal more time together. As frustrating as my absence is, it has undoubtedly further sealed the bond between Mother and Son. They still butt heads on occasion, but are both slowly learning that it's their latent similarities that have caused previous conflict, rather than their differences
Or more succinctly, they are so alike in nature (they're absolute doubles) that they're essentially arguing with themselves......
I do come home sometimes however. Luca loves the rare occasions I'm here, but is slowly learning that he's no longer my baby. He still often tries to sit on my knee, but as of last week I've banned him. He is so massive now, yet still so elegantly uncoordinated, that he regularly cracks me in the nose with that enormous head of his. I come to bed every night looking like I climbed up Mount Everest on my face.
Having mentioned work, Carole's been keen for me to relax and de-stress as much as possible. With this, I've joined a gym! I know that sounds a bit of an oxymoron (how can you exercise and relax at the same time?), but the gym I've joined is Bannatynes. For those of you who've visited one of these centres (both Carole and Dad are already members), you'll be aware that its as much of a leisurely spa as it is a centre for exercise. They have a "chill out" floor in their gym (I don't get that myself), massages, jacuzzi's, a "slow lane" in the swimming pool and best of all a cafe with comfy chairs and huge selection of cream cakes.
I'm not going to get fit any time soon methinks.
Finally, enjoy the video's at the bottom of the blog. The final video was taken as he modelled his new school trousers (the prospect of his upcoming attendance still terrifies me) while seemingly simultaneously auditioning for a role in the new "Planet Of The Apes" movie.
**Useless fact of the day - Apes can learn sign language, and can learn up to 1000 signs**
Loved the wee videos, Gary!
Mum xx
Delightful! Loved both vids love auntie janexxx
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