I'm typing this while wrapped in a blanket. I'm currently feeling very sorry for myself after having contracted a rather unpleasant bug. Being a natural grump at the best of times it'd be natural to assume I'm presently an utter royal pain in the ass. Gratifyingly my family are overlooking this and caring for me in the ways they know best. Carole is keeping me warm and feeding me endless tablets and potions to make me comfortable and relieve the ailments. And Luca? He arrived home from school last night and immediately came upstairs to see me. "Here" he said, reaching into his coat pocket and producing four fruit sweeties. His last four fruit sweeties. "These will make you better". I smiled as he gave me a hug, and fell back to sleep again.
Do you think those self same sweets were waiting for me when I awoke this morning? Do you want the Hollywood-esque answer? Or the truth?
With Carole having entered us both into an upcoming 5K run, last Sunday I decided it may be beneficial to check my bodies capabilities in advance. Having not run outdoors for several years (with the exception of playing football) I took a jog downtown, accompanied by Yoda. It was pretty comfortable, but the dog was a little unimpressed by the experience. 400 yards in she decided to have a mid-jog poo (that was fun, retracing my steps to collect little poo droplets), before spending the remainder of the run dragging behind me, her mini legs scratching on the asphalt beneath.
I'll take Isis next time. It'll be interesting to find out if she's willing and able. Our old mutt has been having issues with her stomach of late for which we've had her back and forth to the vet, but she also has one other rather more untreatable ailment - she's nearly stone deaf. She's a poor old brute.
Also upcoming is Carole's "boot camp", now only a couple of months away. It's a week long fitness camp in a hotel in idyllic Perthshire countryside, where she'll spend her days running around like a demented rabbit before spending the evenings eating like one. A husk of a woman shall likely return.
Another upcoming financial event is also imminent, a couple of months following the boot camp. Due to an entirely unexpected bonus from my work we've repaid much of the remaining outstanding loan on my car. Consequently I'm on the lookout for a new appealing model. Luca has made several recommendations so far, each following a similar theme - if it's big, he likes it. However, as 5 year olds perennially aren't the most knowledgable group within society with regard to automotive expertise I'd be most grateful if you voted on today's poll.
**Useless fact of the day - Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of long words**
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