Which isn't necessarily a criticism.
Which is all incidental to the photographic odes of joy which follow.

I've been on holiday this week, taking my turn to look after Luca during the school summer break. It feels like we've crammed a fair amount of activities into the week, yet the feeling persists I perhaps didn't add the variety I originally intended.
That said, the photo above is pretty representative of our time off so far, taking advantage of the beautiful sun which has surely got lost as it hovers above our usually rain soaked isles. Luca has loved the opportunity to be outdoors all day, and demonstrate how superior his footballing skills are to his dad's. He's still only 7. I am ashamed.

Initially showing a little trepidation toward the outdoor fitness equipment at a nearby park, Luca eventually challenged me to a repetition competition on the apparatus above. Over 10 seconds he was able to do more than me. I'm not using his shorter legs as an excuse. I am ashamed. Again.

I don't recall this picture. Just another Luca pose. He's starting to become very conscious of his physicality, in varying ways. As examples he now refuses to meet up with his peers unless his hair is perfect, and he spent last night measuring his legs, insisting one was longer than the other. It isn't.

We've had a few long dog walks. The above being my least favourite. Why? I didn't expect the aged, decrepit Isis to still enjoy jumping in rivers. But she does, and my car now perma-stinks of wet dog. I'm not entirely serious however, as it was pleasing to take the old girl on a walk where we were able to safely let her off lead again. She's approaching 14 years of age now, and is completely blind and deaf. Yet she retains such energy and makes a mockery of her breeds expected 12 year life span. We suspect she's immortal. Perhaps Hollywood can remake Highlander as a canine equivalent, starring our dumb fluffy beast.

See, this is why I take photos. Cute as the proverbial button. Evil, but cute.

Completely off topic, I found this online earlier. Our 3rd team (Lincoln City) signed 3 new players today. Doesn't each look absolutely delighted with where their professional footballing careers has taken them?

Did anyone ever see the 80's movie Big? Do you remember the bit where Tom Hanks and Robert Loggia jumped around on the giant toy keyboard, creating a near perfect rendition of Chopsticks? Luca's attempt above was nothing like that.

Here's a photo of the recent Isle Of Harris Half Marathon. Yes, that's not me. This is the only photo of that race I can find online. What a beautiful island though, despite the medics keeping me captive for over 2 hours after the race. I was a bit buggered, to be fair.

This is Ugali, a traditional Kenyan runners dish made from Maize Meal. I purchased some recently and cooked it up. It looks like mashed potato, but I can confidently state it tastes nothing like it. Consistency of PlayDough and (probably) tastes the same too.

Back to Luca again, posing in front of a prominent statue in Aberdeens city centre during one of our visits to the NE capital this week. We've spent a significant proportion of our holidays in the city this week, mainly for three visits to the cinema. Yes, that's 3 visits. In 4 days. I think I have a problem.

We'll finish of course with Luca, resplendent in his Partick Thistle hoodie. He loves the top, despite his opinion of the team - "Rubbish". I'm trying, but I think the generational Stewart support of the famous Glasgow minnows is going to end with me.
I plan to blog again next week, with details of Carole's Horse Trial from Englandshire. Having qualified by winning her last contest, I took her and Finnan to Kirriemuir on Wednesday to meet up with teammates (and awesomely expensive looking uber horse trailer) for the trip South. I have to admit to being surprised by how much progress she's made in such a short period of time, and I'm genuinely proud.
Luca, naturally, is almost wilfully and blissfully ignorant of the event. Or indeed anything that doesn't directly or indirectly involve chocolate, of course.
**Useless fact of the day - More money is spent on Gardening than any other hobby**
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