I hope you're enjoying the more regular photo/video update I've been providing of late. If you watch the video above you'll notice Luca is starting to become VERY aware of the camera - although unfortunately far less aware of dads orders!
Actually, he's very good when the camera's not about, and does everything I tell him too, just like his mum.
Yeah, right!
I'll try to make this blog as detailed as possible as my next few entries will be brief and illegible due to the broken knuckles which Carole will inflict on me as a consequence of the last two paragraphs. I'm on holiday now for a week, so chill out time can commence. I went to Pittodrie with dad on Saturday, but have to disagree with his opinion that we wuz robbed, having now seen the highlights on TV they clearly show our penalty goal to have been a blatant dive by Lee Miller so it should actually have been worse! On Sunday Carole and I went to see "How to Lose Friends and Alienate People" at thje cinema, which was half a great film. The targets were very very cleverly and subtly targeted, but the film lost it's way toward the end and finished swimming in a pile of it's own slush. However, Simon Pegg is always watchable, as is Megan Fox (for alternative reasons) and we were laughing out loud on a number of occasions which is a rare thing for stiff upper lipped Brits such as ourselves.
Sorry to go off on a tangent, but I'd better mention this now lest I forget. Luca is gaining a dual accent. As he has an English mother and Scottish father (each of whom teach him different words) he's now speaking in a rather peculiar fashion. "Car", for example, is spoken with a plumb in his mouth, while "toast" is pronounced in a similar fashion to a grizzled, bearded Peterhead sea captain.
Back to the movie, I sort of over-filled my pick-n-mix bag as normal, and was forced to eat £5 worth of stale chocolate raisons, rum fudge, chocoloate mice, etc as the movie went on. Well, it's rude not to finish them. This is usually an OK thing to do, but we were going straight to Banchory after to pick up Luca from his grandparents, and knew mum would feed us before we left. As indeed she did, in trough fulls! I can't complain too much, as despite my sore chocolate filled stomach I actually had a couple of servings it was so good! She's actually baked dessert too (rather than bought it which is rare these days!), an apple sponge which I took a serving of too, but Luca decided he liked this too and ate all mine. He then moved around the table eating his grans and uncle Ross's too, so I guess grans baking get's the thumbs up from him!
Today I got Luca ready and waved he and Carole goodbye - my first day off and the house to myself! I headed straight into town to pick up a few things, mainly the new MP3 I needed. I'd done a little research online, and have plumped for a "Creative Zen" due to the sound quality - I think Lucy has something similar too. It's great fun, and sounds streets ahead of my previous ones. I'm presently loading it up for the long drive we'll have on Wednesday. I've downloaded a couple of audio books in particular - "The Men Commandments" by Christian O'Connell and a tour biography by Frank Skinner - which should keep us grinning on the way down. As the MP3 plays videos too I've also stuck a couple of "Family Guy" and "Transformers" episodes on there too which I'll watch when Carole decides to listen to her Stone Roses album again for the 30th time......
I picked Carole and Luca up tonight and let Carole relax while I dealt with the smelly one. He and I also took a trip to the supermarket again - it's his new favourite place. In fact, the photo at the top is of Luca tonight playing with his new cars. He spotted these as we walked down the aisles and insisted on them!
Lastly, try to avoid watching the new(ish) Incredible Hulk film, the one with Edward Norton and Tim Roth. Remember how the first one (the one with Eric Bana) was really awful? Somehow this new one surpassed this......
**Useless fact of the day - Dependant on which magazines you believe, generally the John Travolta movie "Battlefield Earth" from 2001 is regarded (critical reviews wise) as the worst movie of all time. I've seen it, I didn't think it was that bad. It wasn't good but......**
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