Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Tuesday 21st October 2008

My first thought is a response to Kelly's blog - I'm afraid I should have told you that "Burn Before Reading" was a rotten movie, all the movie mags and broadsheets have been advising against it even before it was released. Apparently the extended previews were a goods enough indicator of it's lack of quality. Though the fact it was directed by the Coen Brothers (up themselves without the intelligence to back it up) and starred Brad Pitt (possibly the worst "name" actor I've ever seen) probably was already a pretty good indicator....

Not that Carole and I have seen a decent movie for a while though. The next ones coming out in the cinema that we're looking forward to are "Rec" (remake of a Spanish zombie movie), "The Day The World Ended" (blockbuster remake of the 50's schlocker) and Saw 5 (oh yes....). Now mums retired I suppose I should start to think of taking her to the cinema at some point too. Though probably not to Saw 5.....

Carole and I were glad when the work day ended yesterday as we were both still a little tired from the weekend. It's strange how just sitting in a car can tire you out! I did muster the energy after work to pop along to the gym again though, I'm starting to get back into it a bit now which is good. I'll probably go at least a couple more times this week, my energy is starting to build up now - I guess this is partly due to my body now starting to fully recover from the years of smoking! Unfortunately I can't yet start any of my "projects" (loft, bookcases, etc) as I found out last night I'm skint! Well, my cash account is anyway. What with Manchester, Lincoln, new MP3, takeaways, DVD's, etc, etc I've spent more than normal this month. Oops! Have to be very frugal till next week! Still, I'm paid next week and happily am on holiday again so I'll aspire toward getting a lot done.

It is dependant on the wee man though. As previously mentioned, on Tuesday we're heading down to Livingston again for Luca's next session of laser surgery, and we'll be keeping him off nursery for the rest of the week following that. As I'll be "daddy day care" while Carole's at work I'll have to keep him busy - I'll see how handy he is with a hammer and nails.

Probably handier than dad, that's for sure.

On Friday I'm - maybe - heading to Banchory with Luca. Carole's cooking fajitas for Guthrie and his brother as a thanks for building our new dog pound. I'll take a photo of the pound tonight, maybe with Luca inside. Best place for him, it can double as his jail for when he's bad! He and I will come and say hello to Gran and Granda for a bit until the fajita's are no longer in my house - Carole loves them, but they send my body into near convulsions!

**Useless fact of the day:- In the UK alone, there are over 25000 DIY related injuries per year.
That figure may increase exponentially next week**

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