Sunday, 1 February 2009

Sunday 1st February 2009

Todays entry is a brief one, created mainly to show a new Luca video we took this morning. He does like to help, though the pants on the head thing will need to be discouraged.

Carole and I hit the hay at a reasonable time last night, due to the impracticality of watching DVD's on our "mini-me" TV. The strongest muscle in my body is presently those in my brow from all the squinting.

Unless our main TV is back from the manufacturers before next weekend, we will be looking for babysitters and going out. That said, we've two or three weekends out coming across this month - a rarity!

We came to the conclusion that following yesterdays fiasco with Luca (most notably his resemblance to a George A Romero movie character during his less well moments), it will be wise to cancel his swimming today. Doubtless a urine infested council pool would not speed up his recovery time. Carole, however, is much better today and it presently at her fitness class, though it's likely on her arrival home she'll collapse faster than Britains finance sector.

**Useless fact of the day - The UK's finance sector is the the section of Britains economy expected to be hardest hit (job loss wise)**

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