After seeing dads photo on his blog this morning, a sense of familiarity came to pass. Do you see the resemblances of the two pictures above? Scary.
The snow has eventually arrived into the North East. I woke this morning to the vision of a white-out, and it hasn't stopped snowing yet - Its been five hours since I woke. Hopefully it will stop soon so I can get home tonight!
Hopefully mum has been able to drive (or slide) her car from Banchory to Inverurie this morning. She's popping through to give Carole a hand, as both Carole and Luca are both deteriorating faster than public confidence in Icelandic banks. If you've read previous blogs you'll be aware of Luca's cold, cough and burnt toes, but he's now developed a rash on his face. Carole is very poorly too, and even had to go to bed before Luca last night. Her tonsils are the problem, and her throat was almost closed this morning. Both patients will be going to the doctors once mum arrives so I'll have to wait for the resultant prognosis from that.
As such, I guess I'll be cooking tonight. Well, how much worse can I make things....
Finally, I've just downloaded and am in the process of watching "Gone Baby Gone" (incredibly harrowing) and listening to the "Bon Iver" album (bleak) - each superb, try to catch both
**Useless fact of the day - The singer Mark Almond (of Soft Cell - remember "Tainted Love"?) was once rushed from stage and his stomach pumped....Actually, no, I can't tell this story. If you are not easily offended email me and I'll email the rest to you**
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