Nine photo's featured today, so without further ado:-
As mentioned on Fridays blog (the really long one in which you probably lost the will to read half way through) Carole attended an Abba themed Hen Night. Here she is above with Gail wearing boots with heels so high she was for the very first time able to look me in the eye. Of my adams apple.
Both are wearing wigs. Gails' is almost passable as real from a distance whereas Caroles, well, isn't really.........
Onto today, here's Luca at the "Blackburn Gala" purchasing a lollipop. "Here you go man" he bellows as he passes the 20p across. "What would you like?" enquired the stallholder. Cue a frown and stare from Luca. "Is it a lollipop?" came the stuttered continuation. "Yes" replied Luca, ending his Damien-esque stare and replacing it with a smile.
Again today, this time onto the international food festival in Inverurie. Luca and I loved it, although contrarily it was hell on earth for Carole. "Oooooh, paella" sniffed Luca's Mum wearily, resisting the temptation to break her diet.
This evening, on the now regular Luca/Daddy/Yoda run at the local Garioch Park. Luca's becoming a bit of a speed demon as demonstrated above. I actually hit the slow reacting "click" button on my camera when he was little more than 5 yards away.
Always one to try something new (!!!), here's Luca attempting the long jump on Garioch Parks athletics section. I hit the button an instant too soon however, as this over exuberant attempt led to his momentum leaving him face down in the sand.

And here's where he should stay, behind bars. Yes, that really is an incurably ugly cast iron bridge.
Although still busy, this weekend didn't lend itself toward providing Luca with an important event - his first Partick Thistle match in Glasgow. With yesterday being Partick's centenary celebration, my intention had been to take him to Firhill (along with Colin and his son). However, work intervened and a mixture of on-call and an important new account (with Cairn Energy I thought I'd pointlessly point out) ensuring I couldn't travel. This unfortunately left me unable to travel too far, so instead I grumpily took up the alternative option of accompanying Andy to Aberdeen's pointless end of season game. Which we lost. And was awful. Again. I hate football.
Upon my return home Luca showed me his new game "Marble Madness" - anyone remember playing this as a kid? It's as much fun to play as an adult now as it was back then. "No, it's my turn" wailed Luca persistently as I enjoyed it far more than I should.
In the evening Carole and I watched "The Hills Run Red", which was a romantic comedy about two love struck astrologers who meet and fall in love when their poodles have puppies together................No, of course not, it was yet another abysmally grisly and gory horror. Great stuff, especially the bit where the girl gets pulled in half.
As you'll have been able to ascertain from the pictures, today brought about a trip to a gala day in nearby Blackburn. It seemed a great idea at the time, yet proved a greater trial than anticipated. Despite promising forecasts the temperature was freezing, with the added bonus of drizzle and winds that whipped every last piece of warmth from your core. We bumped into one of Caroles workmates there, who was judging the dog show that was due to begin in two hours. "Will you be here for that?" she enquired, and my decision was made simple by Carole's eyes, clearly pleading with me to end this Arctic type torture. "I don't think so" came the muttered response.
Just had to take a two minute break from writing there, after hearing a yelp from Luca's room. Yes, it was a nightmare. I'll give you three guesses what the dream was about........
**Useless fact of the day - A Nightmare may be a way to relieve the pressures of the day and help us cope with real life stress. Scientists speculate that nightmares purge the brain of memories or associations which trigger fear**
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