This picture was taken only an hour ago, immediately after leaving Aberdeen Children's A&E. Luca had a fall outside nursery this afternoon after his Granny Jo picked him up, and although it initially appeared the damage was little more than superficial, over time it transpired there was more wrong than originally suspected.
The clavicles, or collarbones, are the long bones that help connect the shoulder girdle to the rib cage. A break can happen when a toddler falls on her shoulder or on an outstretched hand**
A trip to the hospital followed, where an x-ray revealed a broken collarbone. It'll repair itself over the next few weeks, and he'll wear a sling during much of that time to aid the healing process.
He's home now however, and went to bed laughing and is clearly in little discomfort. I'll report more tomorrow, and will take a video of him proudly displaying his sling.
And yeah, my heart is still in my mouth!
**Useless fact of the day - The collarbone is the bone most often broken (fractured) in childhood. Children are prone to breaking collarbones because they don't completely harden until adulthood.
The clavicles, or collarbones, are the long bones that help connect the shoulder girdle to the rib cage. A break can happen when a toddler falls on her shoulder or on an outstretched hand**
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