"Would you like a bite of my chocolate bar Mummy?"
"Oh, yes please Luca"
"Huh, I might have known...."
To the unintended cheekiness of another conversation with his Mother earlier today:-
"Mummy, come down the stairs on your bottom"
"No Luca, I'd rather walk"
"OK sweetheart!"
He sounded like a proper cockney geezer when he called him Mum sweetheart.
I'm feeling a little better today after my predicted hangover of yesterday. Luca stayed over with his Granny and Granda on Friday night, allowing Carole and I our (separate) nights out. Carole's was a slightly more sedate late lunch so she was home by early evening, whereas my night was the expectant pub crawl. It's rare I allow myself the opportunity to drink much these days, in fear of starting smoking again - my smoking was always interrelated with my drinking previously.
With this in mind, and in preparation for a potential banana skin, I've discovered the existence of herbal cigarettes. Containing no tobacco, nicotine (nor indeed any of the addictive substances found within a normal cigarette) I'm intending to buy a pack for our honeymoon. It's Ireland, there is copious amounts of drink around therefore I'm a little nervous. If I weaken after a Guinness or two too many then I'll stick one of those in my mouth. It's now been two years since I quit but it's still difficult.
On that subject, when am I going to put weight on? Every other ex-smoker I've known appears to have put on an average of a couple of stone after quitting. Curious.
Despite my lack of bulk, at least my fitness continues to improve. One of the "characters" I play football with (a bizarre chap who was accepted onto TV's "Come Dine With Me" and is presently trying to appear on "Coach Trip") wrote out an analysis of all of our footballing characteristics. I was nicknamed "The Slave" due to my unselfish running and apparently endless stamina. At least I hope that was the reason......
Saturday morning, post drinking binge, began exceptionally early with a call from work. Well, with my luck could I expect anything else? After grumpily battering my keyboard and drinking cheap coffee in my office for a couple of hours I drove out to pick Luca up from his Granny's. "I'm staying here" he announced upon my arrival, "I think I'll live at Granny Jo's house now"
Once we'd driven back to Inverurie - protestations having been ignored - he and I took a bus into Aberdeen. I'd used Carole's car earlier that day as I'd left my own in Aberdeen the previous evening, but now needed to reclaim my own motor. Luca demanded to accompany me, not out of affection or companionship, but more due to his curious love of buses. Here he is below.

Once in Aberdeen I decided we should do something to make the trip worthwhile. Luca quickly found his preferred form of entertainment:-

Before the two of us toddled to the cinema to watch "Toy Story 3". It was brilliant, I'm not sure who enjoyed it more!
In the evening Carole and I watched our traditional Saturday night movie (along with a diet busting takeaway to relieve our aching hangovers). This week it was the remake of "Clash Of The Titans". Do you remember how shonky and crappy the original was? Yep, this was the same, but simply with wonky computer graphic monsters rather than wonky plasticine ones. They didn't greatly greatly enhance proceedings.
Today (Sunday) has been a little more wasteful, with yet another morning call out to the office. Once home I took Luca shopping for some goalposts for the back garden. Here he is in full goalkeeper mode:-

Perhaps I should have purchased smaller goals. He struggled to reach the shots I was blasting into the top corner......
**Useless fact of the day - Bulgarian International and former Reading 'keeper Borislav Mihaylov gained notoriety during the 1994 World Cup Finals in the United States when he suddenly appeared with a full head of hair having been completely bald on top only weeks before. It turned out that he had decided to wear a wig to help promote his toupee company back home (During the Quarter Final game against Mexico, the poor man had to adjust his hairpiece under the protection of a towel after the blazing sun had caused him to sweat just a little too profusely…)**
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