Although it's frequently a pleasure to have his company at such times - he just likes to sit on your knee and watch - other times can be more problematic. Such as this weekend. We were trawling through the photo's on his Granda's blog ("That's Granny! That's Granda! That's Granda again!" "Look at the holes on Granda's legs!") until we happened upon an image posted on 17th August, that of a whole roasted pig, head and all.
Suddenly a deep frown crossed his face. "What are they doing to that piggy?" he cried, "The piggy has an owey". I paused briefly, contemplating whether the truth or a white lie would be needed. I chose the truth. "The pig has been on a barbecue" I stated, "So the people can eat their lunch." Cue a confused glare. "You don't eat pigs!" he roared, "Piggy's are our friends"
This conversation continued a while longer, until I was sure he understood. However, I'm unsure of my decision. Did I convey this information to him too early? Should I have waited until he was older? Please vote in today's poll on the right hand side of the page.
Luca's had a busy weekend, and slightly unusually has spent the majority with his Mummy. While I've been snoozing, he and his Mum have been running around together. They particularly enjoyed their trip to the cinema yesterday to watch "Toy Story 3" in 3D. Apparently he spent the movie swiping his hands in front of his face, as the 3D effects danced around the forefront of his vision.
That's not to say he and his Dad have been completely inactive however. We went to the Inverurie Loco's V Deveronvale cup match on Saturday afternoon. The result? A resounding 5 - 0 duffing for our local side. Luca clearly has been inflicted with the same unfortunate luck/curse suffered by preceding generations of football supporting Stewart's. Here he is at the game, having quietly crept under the barrier on his way to invading the pitch after the fourth goal went in.

On Sunday morning - with his Mother hill climbing - he was forced to join me at the office for a brief spell. Not being of great help with import commodity codes, I sat him in the closest canteen in front of CBeebies on the TV. Yes, I did ask him to smile at the camera. But television holds a greater appeal than his father.

We did hit a first at the office though. "I need a wee wee" he cried, rather predictably after his 4th glass of orange juice. With the unsurprising lack of a potty at my workplace, he happily used the main toilet. Nothing odd about that. Except his decision to have a pee standing up! As shocked as I was by his decision I was delighted, although he did have to strain on his tip toes to get his "little man" over the rim of the toilet bowl. "Aim it Daddy" he squealed, as long squirty flows of urine decorated the previously pristine interior of the bathroom.
In non-Luca related news, I achieved what I'd previous considered unachievable on Saturday evening - I convinced Carole to watch a subtitled foreign language film! As you know, Carole is rather fond of big budget, blockbuster, predominantly horror movies, and with this independent cinema holds little appeal for her. However,she sat entranced through French film "La Horde", enjoying every minute.
Of course, it was a French film about killer zombies, but every giant leap starts with a little step. And of course I'm not particularly averse to any film featuring levels of grisly nastiness either......
**Useless fact of the day - Former Leicester City and Millwall goalie Kasey Keller used to be the proud owner of a gas-powered car that was unable to reverse**
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