I only ask as a key reason for doing this is to allow Luca to rediscover himself when he becomes an adult. Will this blog survive the decades? How will Luca remember his childhood? Indeed, how will we?
A minor annal was added today with his appearance at his schools Christmas Play, his 2nd in two days. Othello, however, this isn't. Essentially they send up each class (20 or 30 kids) who'll do a "turn". Luca's class sang two songs. It was riveting. Or perhaps just the exact opposite.
Luca himself yawned through the performance, albeit likely down to tiredness from the previous evening. To explain, they have 2 performances of the play, one on a Wednesday night, the other on a Thursday afternoon. Obviously, my preference was for the evening performance, but as the parents on the parents council snapped up all the tickets BEFORE the performances were even announced I never stood a chance.
You really do appreciate how self serving people are as you grow older. Cynicism is as natural to me nowadays as farting in bed.
To briefly continue non-Luca related information, Carole got herself a new job this week - the one she'd already been doing for years. To explain, with the massive cuts across council services all employees have had to re-apply in order to continue their employment. Huge numbers have been made redundant so as perverse as it sounds this status quo was actually excellent news. Carole hasn't quite got her head around it all yet, but she will. Of course it's easy to comment when you weren't the one in that situation.
And me? Little of note with few issues. Granted, with certainty I am in need of a break in the sun, and from previously being dubious of its existence I'm now a firm believer in S.A.D. In the interim, however, running is keeping me sane. Even with the absence of competitive runs (why are there so few over the winter? Are we all really so soft in Scotland?) training runs are becoming ever more pleasing. I'm starting to up my pace over distance, with the health benefits proving a bonus. Back problems, an issue since my teens, have disappeared entirely. My former smokers wheeze has gone as my lungs expand, and I no longer even remotely crave cigarettes.
Actually, scratch the last statement. The psychology of suggestion.
Photo and video time now:-

The above was Luca's first ever taste of Red Bull. Someone call social services.

Carole and Luca fell asleep after his bedtime story. Oedipus anyone?

You'd never know he was actually innately evil
As we weren't allowed to photograph or video the School play (sigh, from so many different perspectives) Luca instead gave a solo performance of both. My fatherly bias dictates my opinion that he has, of course, the voice of Cliff Richard gargling flowers. Unfortunately, the blog account clearly disagrees and refuses to save the videos tonight. I promise, however, they'll be on he next.
**Useless fact of the day - Owls are not actually nocturnal, despite popular opinion. It's just that their favourite food generally comes out after dark**
Location:Rae Circle,Inverurie,United Kingdom
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