Why "unlike my running schedule"? Because I've knackered my knee. Again. How did I do it his time? Was it running, or football, or even just slipping about in the snow with the dogs? Nope, I fell down the stairs.
Yep, like the old man I so very much act like, I had a stumble down the stairs this morning. Knowing immediately I'd need assistance I called for a hand. Unfortunately, Carole was at the farm so the only other resident of our house responded - Luca. He jumped out his bed and joined me at the bottom of the stairs. "You weren't looking at the stairs were you Dad?", he immediately scolded, "I ALWAYS look at the stairs".
Having accepted the chiding from a child 31 years my junior, I'm now sitting with my leg up and working from home today. Not something I enjoy (too many distractions) but needs must. One of those distractions is the absolutely appalling "Star Trek Enterprise", currently playing in the background on the TV. Daytime TV is really bad isn't it? Though I must say, "Homes Under The Hammer" earlier was actually rather involving.
Jesus, I really am a natural pensioner aren't I?
During my convalescence Carole is using my car, which in these snowy conditions she's grateful of. She's bouncing to and from the farm to keep track of Harvey's progress. It seems the issue is that he's allergic to something on the farm, so new livery may be needed. Updates to follow.
Photo's now:-

Luca with Tyler, his best friend. Taken last night, this brief 4 second pose is the only time they weren't perpetual motion.

What do you think I bribed them with to convince them to pose so nicely? A clue, it's sweet and rhymes with "bocolate"

A photo of a photo now, the above being Luca's official school portrait. Good job eh?
**Useless fact of the day - There is no mention of 3 Wise Men in the bible. No number is ever given, they're just mentioned as "wise men"**
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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