I've saved you all much confusion, as I originally started this blog in French, thinking it would be quite a funny and original way to post. Thankfully I deleted what I'd started after rather quickly coming to my senses and realising is was not only pointless, but perhaps a tad pretentious too! Instead you will have to put up with my witterings in English, although I am aware my "conversational" style of writing sometimes doesn't even read well in our native language!
Saturday, 29 November 2008
Saturday November 29th 2008
I've saved you all much confusion, as I originally started this blog in French, thinking it would be quite a funny and original way to post. Thankfully I deleted what I'd started after rather quickly coming to my senses and realising is was not only pointless, but perhaps a tad pretentious too! Instead you will have to put up with my witterings in English, although I am aware my "conversational" style of writing sometimes doesn't even read well in our native language!
Friday, 28 November 2008
Friday 28th November 2008

Boa tarde. Yes, it's archive photo time again. I think it's also the last time we took a picture of Luca that wasn't blurry. I also think it was the last time Carole posed too!
I'm still in the office just now, this is just a quick update before I head ome to get ready for my works Chrimbo night out tonight. I was, as I imagine you all were, enjoying ignoring dad's requests for song titles relating to Scottish towns, but as he's not giving up I feel we should reward his tenacity and respond!
For Scottish towns I struggled, but there is one - "Song For Aberdeen" by Mando Diao. London was really easy. Off the top of my head there's "Down To London" by Joe Jackson, "First Night Back In London" by The Clash, "Get Outta London" by Aztec Camera. The only really recent one I know though is "Hello London" by Scarling.
Carole's driving us down tonight as she's taken a downturn with her bug again. She's thinking of cancelling her night out on Saturday too because of it - a meal is OK, but drinking isn't a good idea. I'm really not up for tonight myself - it's been a long, long week and I'd really rather slump in a bath tonight.
**Useless fact of the day - During the third year of life, toddlers tend to gain about 4 pounds (1,800 grams) in weight and grow about 2 to 3 inches (5 to 8 centimeters) in height**
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Tuesday 25th November 2008
Buona Sera. I'm just sitting down now in front of the server for my notoriously irregular evening update. I had intended to blog earlier but I've been delayed, mainly due to work issues and my on-call mobile buzzing like an angry bee. Due to an urgent part required for an offshore rig, I've had to have one flown in urgently from Italy. So urgent in fact that I had to appropriate the services of an Italian - of whom before today I'd never spoken to in my life - and pay him to get on the aircraft in Milan with the part. Thankfully he's proven reliable and turned up at 9.45pm this evening on schedule. My driver (who now hates me after I informed him earlier that he was having to pick up a strange Italian at 10pm tonight, before starting his morning shift at 0430 in the morning) now has man and package on board so I can relax. I'll meet Patrizio tomorrow morning before I put him back on his flight to Milan (via Heathrow) and give my thanks - this was a very big deal today.
I hope you've enjoyed the images provided above. The first is of Luca, as per his norm during their visit, bullying his poor Grandma. The second (the video) is mainly for those who don't see Luca much (Kelly, Lucy and families....). It's less about the image - which is poor I accept - and more about the audio. He's become very aware of who people are for quite some time, but it's only recently he's been able to say his name in relation to himself. It doesn't sound much like Luca yet but he's trying!
I'm surprised Kelly didn't enjoy "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" - I thought it'd be right up her street. Then again, I am the man who once bought her a foot spa as a Christmas present and was genuinely shocked when her levels of gratitude were less than overwhelming. As most of you would testify, if you are being polite you'd describe my choice of Christmas/birthday gifts as "original" or "different". More often the reaction to a gift from me is a look of general, and confused, disgust. I do try though. Here you go dad, there's another list for you to do - the worst presents ever received.
Manchester Utd were on TV tonight, but I had to miss it as the second part od "Survivor" was on. Did anyone pay attention to my weekend blog and watch it? It was terrific again.
What's on for the rest of this week? Other than work obviously I'm planning to hit the gym tomorrow, before settling down in front of the multitude of live games on TV. On Thursday we - may - go to the Salsa dancing for the first time. All dependant on how Carole's bugs clearing up. On Friday we have my works Christmas night out (yes I know it's not even December!), while on Saturday dad, Ross and I are going to Pittodrie to watch Aberdeen attempt to play football. This'll be followed up on Saturday night by a quiet night for Luca and I while Carole go's out drinking and smoking (terrible habit, why would anyone do that?.....) with Jenny, the partner of one of my oldest friends. Carole get's on well with quite a few of my friends partners, which is good to see - as everyone knows, socialising with partners friends partners can sometimes be awkward. On Sunday Luca will soothe Carole's hangover with his singing (which is improving in clearness of vocabulary, if not yet in tune) while we chill out in front of "Super Sunday"- the Manchester derby (Utd V City) followed by the London derby (Arsenal V Chelsea) - bliss!
**Useless fact of the day - Over one fifth of the worlds wine supply is produced in Italy**
Monday, 24 November 2008
Monday 24th November 2008

Sunday, 23 November 2008
Sunday 23rd Novemeber 2008
Did you think I'd died? Although only 2 days have passed since my last update, in "garycaroleluca" blog world that is almost a lifetime.
What has transpired since I last posted? Carole and I went to Glasgow to see Will Young in concert. I have to point out that had I not known then I genuinely wouldn't have been able to tell he was a gay man.
Those of you au fait with my peculiarly sarcastic sense of humour will be aware that the aforementioned statement is a lie. That was, without a doubt, the gayest thing I've ever witnessed. I hadn't previously considered him to be a camp performer but from the start where he actually skipped onto the stage, through to grinding his crotch in his keyboardists face, it was like a mini mardi gras.
I've been to worse gigss however, and the important thing was that Carole had fun. Admittedly most of the fun she had was laughing at how drunk the couple in front of us were, but there you go!
Before the concert commenced we went to a chinese restaurant on Sauchiehall Street. It was the only type of food Carole wanted to eat due to her cold - she needed something strong so she could taste it! We got a really nice table and the food was decent. Typical Chinese though, an hour later I was starving again!
After the gig we went straight back to the hotel - no boozy night in Glasgow unfortunately. Caroles bug made sure of that!
On Saturday we considered going to Firhill to watch Partick play Livingston before coming home. I say we, but I mean I. Carole's crumpled face when I brought it up suggested that this plan may not come to fruition! As such we came straight back up, promising, as we drove past, that we will take Luca down to Blairgowrie Safarai Park soon. He'll love it.
We arrived home to find Gramps and Grandma playing with Luca. Everything seemed sedate so I guess there weren't too many problems while we were away. None that we're lead to think anyway.... Carole was beat from the day away so she crashed out while I took Luca out (after watching some of South Africa's heavy win over England with Tom - he had a huge grin on his face throughout that match!) for a short while. We popped down to buy postcards, return a DVD and go to thee library. For the very first time I let him run free in the library. I usually hold him in my arms or keep him in the buggy. However, we were the only ones there so I let him down to explore. He loved it! He ran up and down a ramp most of time, only stopping during periods where he decided to choose my books for me. I have to say his taste hasn't developed yet!
On Saturday night Liz cooked us a roast dinner. It was delicious. Tom almost brought his back up afterwards however - "Bear Gryll's" was on TV, and it showed some of the nastiest things he's had to eat in the wild, such as camel fat and snake. The worst, however, was when he opened the stomach of a goat in order to sqeeze it's partly digested food for the liquid within. Uuurgh! Tom actually left the room at this point!!
Liz and Tom left sharp this morning to head back to Lincoln, although we were a little trepidacious - it had snowed overnight again and there was a good few inches lying, the roads were really trecherous. Thankfully Liz called at teatime to let us know they got home safely. Luca has been looking for them all day, he's loved having them around.
Carole and I have taken it easy today, partly due to Caroles illness but mainly due to the weather. Travelling far today was not going to be a good idea. Instead I went to the gym before taking Luca to the supermarket, while Carole took Isis out for a quick hike. She seems reasonably bright today so hopefully she'll be fit for tomorrow.
**Useless fact of the day - There were no photo's on todays blog due to problems with our internet connections today**
Friday, 21 November 2008
Friday 21st November 2008
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Thursday 20th November
It's strange being back to work today after having been off yesterday, my working flow is hugely out of kilter! And having spent most of the day indoor yesterday hasn't helped increase my adrenalin levels! As previously stated, Carole wasn't any better and she snotted her way through her birthday. Thankfully she was still eating, so at least we could keep her amused with our culinery concoctions - although Liz's were probably superior! She cooked the main course at dinner, while I baked a birthday cake. I'll post a photo of this on the blog tomorrow. Yes, I took a picture of it! It was a proper two layered cream and strawberry birthday cake! Unfortunately, I couldn't argue with Tom's assessment that we needed a chainsaw to cut slices - I was tooth breakingly hard! I tried....
At present it looks as if our day away tomorrow will be disrupted - unless Carole makes a huge recovery. I'd say it's 95% certain we won't be going to Kelso, although there's still a chance of making the gig in Glasgow. We'll see!
Finally, although I briefly mentioned names yesterday, it was still early. In the end Carole received a massive number of cards, flowers and gifts so a big thank you to everybody. Mum, Dad, Ross, Kelly, Craig, Lucy, Scott, Cade, Braeden, Val, Mike, Liz, Tom, Jane, Nick, Ben, Max. I would thank all her friends too, but I'll never remember all their names - and since they don't read the blog anyway I won't even try! Importantly though, I'm really grateful you all remembered and she was really chuffed. She even cried with happiness. At least I think so, that may just have been a little bit of stray snot.
**Useless fact of the day - Will Young was once rumoured to have had a dalliance with Scotland football star James McFadden**
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
Wednesday 19th November 2008

Today is Carole's 40th, and it's started terribly. That bug that's been going around? Carole's come down full force and as such we won't be going anywhere or doing anything to celebrate her birthday today! Rotten timing, and we now need to keep our fingers crossed that she's recovered for our little trip on Friday.
These were taken this morning. He was a bit hungry and insisted on standing on the worktop in order to access the upper cupboards food stores! And talking of food, Tom had his first experience of a traditional aberdeen buttery this morning. "It's alright" was the rather disappointing assessment!
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
Tuesday 18th November 2008

As you may be able to guess by the vintage of the photo's, these aren't the most up to date shot's we have! Unfortunately I'm back to work today (weird week this week!) so I don't have access to the camera. As such I've had to dig deep into my archive again to provide something for you to look at (I've got some really early pictures of Luca on Myspace)! Can you beleieve he was ever that small? The second photo was taken at the hospital, he was about a day old at this point. The first photo I'm finding harder to date precisely. Any idea's? The closest answer get's a car boot full of parma violets.
Liz and Tom arrive with us today - they'll be with us until Saturday. As long as they arrive up before I get home from work I've been promised a home cooked meal. We'll see! I've a few things planned for Carole while they're up, mainly horse racing in Kelso and a concert in Glasgow. Sometimes it's very beneficial to have "in-house" babysitters! I will make sure Liz get's plenty of time with her daughter too though...
Three final points, starting with the least important. Did anyone watch "I'm a Celeb" last night? Yes, it is brain-off TV, but I caught the bit where the bloke from Eatenders (and some other girl of whom I had no knowlege of) were being forced to eat various nasties, including huge grubs, scorpions, kangaroo balls and crocodile penis. Unbelievably revolting, but consequently impossible to remove your eyes from the screen. Also, I'm over half way through the film "The Love Guru" and have decided to give up. A less funny comedy I've not seen in many a year, avoid this one at all costs. Most importantly however, congratulations to Kelly for completing her marathon. I can't believe she kept that quiet! What an achievement, well done, we're all very proud of you.
Oops, one or two last things! Yes, I will be posting embarrassing old photo's of Carole on her birthday, and yes mum, Luca does seem to like Uncle Ross much more these days. He's like him even better if he stopped smoking though. It's just horrible, I can't understand why anyone would ever want to partake in such a filthy habit.....
**Useless fact of the day - 2 hours, 4 minutes and 26 seconds is the world record time for completing a marathon. So just run a little faster next time Kelly!**
Sunday, 16 November 2008
Sunday 16th November 2008
Another short entry to end the weekend. It's Sunday evening, and just before I sat down to commence with this text update I realised that I hadn't taken any pictures of Luca today. Consequently you are having to do with the two offending images above, taken merely minutes ago as he slept in his cot. And no, he didn't wake!
Saturday, 15 November 2008
Saturday November 15th 2008
Thursday, 13 November 2008
Thursday 13th November 2008 -PART 2
As promised - don't say I'm not good to you - here's some pictures of mini mr muscle proving, yet again, that he has little further need for his parents. He's determined to do everything himself, and gets frustrated on the few occasions where he needs mum and dad to help. This wee one will be pretty self sufficient very early, and for the life of me I can't decide whether that's a good or bad thing.
Thursday 13th November 2008
Apologies, moving onto more pressing issues - the holiday. The dates discussed will be fine, as previously advised I was just trying to keep as large a gap as possible between Luca's appointment and the holiday, and the distance between will now certainly suffice.
I've got a new birthday present on route at present. No, I haven't turned 34 earlier than expected (I'll still expect many thoughtful cards and "Forbidden Planet" vouchers next July!), this is merely a replacement to the digital radio dad got me. As previously advised, it died after a couple of weeks (perhaps Luca's peanut butter encrusted fingers didn't help) and was returned for repair. Unfortunately, they couldn't repair it and nor could they replace it - they've now stopped making them! As such, dad got a refund and told me to pick a new one. So I've picked one which is designed to look like a "Marshalls" amp - if you're a movie buff you'll recognise this from the classic 80's film "Spinal Tap". And yes, it has a volume knob which gos up to 11!!
I've caught a bad cold today, so every woman I speak to on the phone at work today seems to be hanging on the phone longer than normal - apparently I've got that "sexy" croaky voice thing today. If only the reality was even close.... Carole is likely of a different opinion as she was kept awake most of the night by snores which sounded like a family of pigs at mealtime.
Still, I'll hopefully be better by the weekend, and ready for a weeks holiday. Yes, another week off! I get a decent amount of holidays per year, and kind of forgot to take many earlier on. It's great, I could handle this "2 weeks on, 1 week off" thing all year round.
Have I mentioned it's Caroles birthday next week?
Apologies for the lack of Luca photo's as promised, due to the cold I have I crashed out last night as soon as the football ended - hopefully I'll post them tonight. If I stay awake long enough.
**Useless fact of the day - it's not possible to catch a cold by standing in the cold. No matter how cold it is and how long you stand there. Colds are actually bugs, and you're a thousand percent more likely to catch a cold in a warm office than in the North Pole**
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Wednesday November 12th 2008
I've got some more pictures of Luca, and I'll post them tonight. They're demonstrating his tooth brushing technique. Still a little raw, but he's getting better. We're grateful of the improvement as he rarely lets us help now!
Carole and I also watched her favourite movie of all time last night on ITV2 - "Shaun Of The Dead". I've seen it before too and I have to agree with her on this one. It's a terrific movie. Gut burstingly funny.
Luca's got himself a date. The parents of his best friend from nursery (Harry) sent us a letter asking for a playdate. Great idea, especially as we don't socialise Luca with kids of his age much. It should be fun, as long as he's got over his bullying phase! I'd hate to have to post a photo of the wee man punching his friend in the face and spoil your illusions of him being a delicate treasure.....
One week today is Carole's 21st. Well, within a few years of that anyway....
**Useless fact of the day - The worst ideas for a birthday present for Carole would be:-
1. Shaving cream
2. Deodorant
3. Vacuum cleaner
4. Pay for a face lift
5. Pay for liposuction (if not previously requested)
6. Clothes that are 2 sizes larger than what she wears
7. Clothes that are 2 sizes smaller than what she wears with a little note that says "for when you're smaller"
8. Dinner at YOUR favorite fast food place
9. Condoms
10. A paid subscription to Match.com
11. A paid subscription to Playboy
12. A book titled "Cooking for Dummies"
13. A book titled "Cleaning for Dummies"
14. Any book with the word Dummies in it
15. Laundry detergent
16. A shirt that says "I don't have ADD...Oh look! A bunny!"
17. A Barbie doll
18. An elementary math learning program
19. A book on self improvement for how to be a better girlfriend
20. "How to be a Good Wife"
21. Lawnmower
22. A drill press
23. A gift card to Hooters
24. A wonderful night out on the town with nothing but you talking about yourself and eating your food like a pig and your food might run away from you if you don't eat it fast enough.
25. A toothbrush and toothpaste
26. A trip in your new plane.......and it's your first time flying.
27. A carton of cigarettes and tell her "start this, you're too stressed out"
28. A surprise birthday party with all her ex's invited.
29. A surprise birthday party with only your friends invited over to watch a sport she hates.
30. Two tickets to a sports event that she detests.
31. A day playing golf and you say "You need to learn something other than sitting on the couch" 32. You give her a card and say "this is all I can afford cause you eat so much"
33. Weight watchers
Please ask me if you are buying her a present!!!!!!**
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Tuesday 11th November 2008
Things didn't get much better thereafter. It took quarter of an hour just to get out of Inverurie due to traffic and I only screamed up outside work bang on half eight.. Frustrating is not the word!
Last night was slightly disppointing as there was no live football on Sky Sports for once! Well, apart from Irish League but even I'm not that desperate! There's big games on tonight and tomorrow so my goggle eyes will make an appearance again!
It may be likely going forward that I don't get the chance to see as much football on TV - I've agreed to take Carole to Salsa dancing classes! I'll let you know what it's like, but it's not my usual thing! Carole's really keen though so we will see..... The first class is on Sunday at 6pm so mum, if you're reading, would you be available to play with Luca for a couple of hours?
Lastly, I'm not surprised Kelly didn't enjoy the Bond film. The reviews couldn't have been clearer had there been warning lights flashing across them. The most sickening thing in my eyes was the commerial nature of the film, product placement is everywhere throughout, and this excludes all the products the film (and Daniel Craig - guess he has no qualms about losing his artistic integrity) has been promoting through TV, magazines, etc. Surely this dead dog of a series should now be laid to rest? Speaking of which, I'm presently half way through the latest Indiana Jones movie, which I'm inexplicably enjoying. I'd thought this latest movie (due mainly to the fact that Harrison Ford is now about 142 years old) was a bridge too far, but it's the most exciting one I've seen. Remembre I've not finished the movie yet so the ending will likely spoil it all...
**Useless fact of the day - Movies which have salsa dancing scenes include:- Miami Vice (2005), Take The Lead, Along Came Polly, Collateral, Dance with Me, Dirty Dancing - Havanna Nights, Wedding Crashers**
Monday, 10 November 2008
Monday 10th November 2008

Friday, 7 November 2008
Friday 7th November 2008
The timing works out well for Carole's mum and Tom coming up the week after next. I doubt Tom will want to brave the icy North Eastern weather too often, so the Sports channel (with his cricket and rugby) should recompense being away from home for so long!
Although Luca pretty much already fills that role! Speaking of whom, he threw himself off his changing table into my arms yesterday (akin to a short and podgy Superman) and as I caught him my back twaeked slightly - either I'm getting old or he's getting heavy. Most likely both......He's almost two and a half stone now, where's my tiny baby son gone?
Although completely unrelated to anything, I have to repeat a quote I heard on the radio this morning. The presenters were talking about the Arsenal (football) defender Mikael Silvestre and were discussing how a mans head can simultaneously look like a fish and a potato. Very cruel, but see the photo below and see what you think.....

**Useless fact of the day - When a woman yawns she covers her mouth with the palm of her hand, not with a fist as men do. **
Thursday, 6 November 2008
Thursday 6th November 2008

Wednesday, 5 November 2008
Wednesday November 5th 2008
And mum too, apologies! A disappointing effort lately from Kelly and Lucy, and even Dad - being abroad is no excuse! The most important news today doesn't involve Luca strangely but work. Firstly my colleague (there's 2 of us to do the same role) has quit, so there may be a slight incremental increase to my workload. Also, it looks like there's a couple of trips in the pipeline, most notably to Cambodia next year! It'll be around April, and will involve 4-5 days away. Nothing exciting, it's to do with a worldwide group we're involved with and one of us has to show face - and it's going to be me. I may have to start reading the book Kelly got me for Christmas....
I came home last night with a big box of food - banana's, lettuce, tomatoes, apples, eggs, etc. We deal with BP's offshore rigs, and a couple of pallets of food had missed the chopper so as it would have been thrown away anyway I filled a box with as much as I could! However, I've eaten too many eggs now. Always the same when something is free!
Big game on TV tonight, Celtic V Manchester United. The first game was on a week or two ago, but this one is only on Sky rather than "cheapy civvy TV" so I may need to find a bar. Football and beer, godamnit life is hard. I will make a point of seeing Luca before the game starts, though I hope he's in a better mood than yesterday. His new favourite word is "no" and his usage of this increases daily......
Finally, with reference to mum's blog - no-one is monitoring us!
**Useless fact of the day - Based on all serious UFO groups, it is claimed that beings from other planets have been living among us since 1968 and monitor us for reasons unknown**
Monday, 3 November 2008
Monday 3rd November 2008
OK, breathe.......
Still, it was nice to come home tonight to be faced with Luca slamming the front door shut in my face!

What a charmer eh? See the damage to my nose above - hope it repairs as well as Luca's face has been. I've seen a slight difference already in his skin over the last few days, so fingers crossed things progress forward in this manner. I'll take another photo tomorrow to show the contrast between now and then.
As I type I'm listening to a stand up gig by an American comedian I discovered last week - Daniel Tosh. Have a search for him, alongside Ray Romano it's the funniest stand up show I've heard this year.
Before I sign off (although no rush as Carole's transfixed to "Spooks" on TV so it's probably best I stay quiet in my cubby hole till it's finished or else I may enrage the fire breathing dragon who will rain her fury upon the earth.....Or she may just ask me to do the dishes) I'd best make mention of next years proposed holiday. Would anyone mind delaying it about a week or so? We're a little worried about the contiguousness of the holiday and Luca's next laser appointment in late February. Although enough time should elapse between the two for there to be no problem, we'd obviously rather keep the two as far apart as possible. The doctors prefer we keep Luca away from sun for as long after the surgery as possible to minimise the chances of scarring.
And finally before I go, just a reminder that we are now just over two weeks away from Caroles birthday - her 40th. I know, I thought it was her 30th too but there you go. I thought it best to point out now to save any unnecessary violence, I think cards remarking on the fact that this is indeed her 40th will not be gratefully received and may be returned in a rather forceful manner.
Sunday, 2 November 2008
Sunday 2nd November 2008 - PART 2
Be mindful and read my blog entry below this one - this is just an additional entry. I was clearing out the memory card on the digital camera and came across this video from a few months ago of a momentous battle between Luca and the dog. Watch it through, it becomes so animated that the WWE are making a bid to feature this at next years "Summer Slam"!
I've also just read dad's post, and the location/date look perfect to me.
**Useless fact of the day 2 - Before having sex, "snails court from 15 minutes to six hours by circling each other, touching with tentacles, and biting on the lip and genitals". Snails have their sexual organs around their neck, which they use to inseminate one another simulteneously.
And one more old video, this of Luca when he first worked out how to climb the stairs. Note the grainy video (set on wrong resolution), which gives a really nice "Wonder Years" type feel to it. Just sing the following song as you watch it and feel yourself well up "What would you do if I sang out of tune, would you stand up and walk out on me....."