The timing works out well for Carole's mum and Tom coming up the week after next. I doubt Tom will want to brave the icy North Eastern weather too often, so the Sports channel (with his cricket and rugby) should recompense being away from home for so long!
Although Luca pretty much already fills that role! Speaking of whom, he threw himself off his changing table into my arms yesterday (akin to a short and podgy Superman) and as I caught him my back twaeked slightly - either I'm getting old or he's getting heavy. Most likely both......He's almost two and a half stone now, where's my tiny baby son gone?
Although completely unrelated to anything, I have to repeat a quote I heard on the radio this morning. The presenters were talking about the Arsenal (football) defender Mikael Silvestre and were discussing how a mans head can simultaneously look like a fish and a potato. Very cruel, but see the photo below and see what you think.....

**Useless fact of the day - When a woman yawns she covers her mouth with the palm of her hand, not with a fist as men do. **
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