As previously promised, have a look at the video of Luca posted above. Although he's not demonstrating any new skills - albeit it is his recently acquired "bouncy" game - it's quite cute nonetheless, and is also intriguing viewing as the video ends. Listen to him bid adieu to the camera, relating to it in the same fashion he would to you or I.
This morning I took him swimming, accompanied (for the first time in a number of weeks) by Carole. Unfortunately, the addition of his mummy watching from poolside seemed to peculiarly unnerve him, and it was the worst session we've had in quite some tome. His ever increasing gallus streak deserted him, and he gripped tight to his dad throughout. Strange, but hopefully rectifiable.
His cocksure attitude returned after we'd left however. There was a farmers market in town today, so we walked him down after we'd finished at the pool. He (and we) loved this, as almost every stall had samples to try. Our favourite were the non alcoholic raspberry wine, the beetroot muffins and the goulash. As expected with such a wide variety of fresh (and relatively rare) food and ingredients present we spent a fortune, but it was well worth it. Indeed, Caroles now cooking a dish she's never before attempted and as such I've already drafted an email to work to advise them of my impending absence on Monday due to severe stomach cramps.
I'm joking, I've sampled a bit already and it tastes great!
After the market we got Luca home and to bed, before settling down to the big Man U - Liverpool game. Great game, despite the result, only interrupted just before the end by the appearance of Mum and Ross turning up. As expected I must add! Mum had turned up to visit Carole and Luca, while Ross and I had arranged to visit a garage in a place called Longside to check out a Subaru Forester car. Curiously, we hadn't actually decided who's benefit this was for! Obviously, with my car having passed away during the week (god rest it's metallic soul) the initial intention had been for me to give it a test drive. However, with my reluctance to commit to a date when I will actually invest in a new car, mixed with Ross's interest in this car of my fancy there was suggestion that a spot of brotherly rivalry could commence. See the picture below for the object of our enamour:-

Very nice, and also listed in a poll as the 2nd most reliable car around. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) the car had been sold before we arrived, we'd missed it by a number of hours. Despite this, and since we'd travelled the distance, we had a look around the lot for any others of interest. Ross pointed out the following as a very sensible choice for me:-

It's a Nissan Primera, an should be the logical choice for a mature, family man such as myself. Predictably though, I quickly ruled it out for being far too boring before draping myself over the following vehicle:-

Yes, it's a Totyota Celica. I'm still trying to figure out how I'll fit Isis in the boot, and as soon as I do I will take it home! Finally, just to wind up Ross I feigned interest in this car:-

It's a Fiat Multipla, and for the life of me I can't work out who would want to own such a car. Other than a blind man, but then that brings up so many logistical problems....We were most amused this motor's "unique" selling point of having 3 seats side by side in the front. I've come to the conclusion that the Fiats designers were clearly the same drug-addled fools who write "In The Night Garden". Very, very strange.
Eventually we dragged ourselves away, and returned home - obviously not before taking a slight detour to a country pub to watch the football scores come in whilst enjoying a John Smiths.
Our next day trip will involve checking out a 1994 Mercedes in Edinburgh. Will we return home empty handed again? Only the Gods know......(although my God, Carole, has determined that the answer to this question is a resounding yes!)
After getting Luca to sleep tonight (no mean feat considering his hyperactive mood following an afternoon with his Gran) Carole and I watched the new Keanu Reeves film "The Day The Earth Stood Still". "A bit disappointing" was my review as the end credits rolled. "Utter cr*p" was Carole more honest, succinct appraisal.
**Useless fact of the day - In December 1999, Keanu Reeves' girlfriend Jennifer Syme gave birth to a stillborn daughter who was named Ava Archer Syme-Reeves. In April 2001, Syme was killed in a car accident**
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