Just a brief entry today, after yesterday's "War & Peace". Our first subject today refers to the above picture - and "why?" would be the relevant question here. The answer being that due to my car being in for repair I've been reduced to public transport (spit) today, and decided to take a photo of the "modern multi-seat carriage" the bus company provided us with.
Yes, that's a fib. Obviously. Although the bus I caught certainly wasn't a whole lot cleaner. Actually, I have a plethora of complaints about the service. Taking aside the condition, heat (or lack thereof) and cramped conditions provided, my main objections are with the routings and timings. We live just outside Aberdeen, with my office being just several miles away. In the car the journey takes me (on average in rush hour) around 35 minutes. However, after spending yesterday searching through various options (both bus and rail) I came to the conclusion that my best bet was to catch at bus at 0708 from Inverurie to Aberdeen - however, the service doesn't actually stop at Dyce (where I work) so I have to jump off around 2 miles from my office and walk the rest of the way. I eventually arrived into the office well over an hour and a half after leaving the house. There is only one bus that travels straight into Dyce in the morning from Inverurie, but as I'd have to leave the house at 0620 to catch it then I don't think that'll ever be an option!
Yes, I am praying my car is ready by tomorrow! I haven't even mentioned the fact that the bus fare was also more expensive than the petrol I would have used in my gas guzzler either. So much for the government enticing people onto public transport....
For those of you still with me after that rather elongated rant, I'll move onto some Luca related topics. Carole had a fitness class last night, so feeding and bedtime responsibilities fell onto me after I arrived home. Gladly, he was in a good mood (life is so much easier when he is....) so we spent our time watching "In The Night Garden" before having a chat about it. Luca reciting "Iggle Piggle's going to sleep in the boat" does make sense after watching the relevant programme, honestly...
Carole got home not long after shorty visited the land of nod, and watched most of the Liverpool-Sunderland game with me. Good game incidentally. After which, with Carole having dropped off and snoring like a good 'un on the sofa, I took the dogs out in the car with me to the garage. I had to drop the Frontera off in advance of it's service this morning. Unfortunately, as soon as I dropped the car off and posted the keys through the garage letterbox the heavens opened. Isis, Sima and I suffered a real soaking on the way home. Sima in particular severely objected to the drenching, and as Carole commented on our return, she's a real "fair weather" dog.
Later today I'll try to leave work as sharply as possible, as Luca is being babysat by his Granny, and I imagine she'll want to escape for home - and dinner - as soon as she can.
As this entry has now - unintentionally - evolved into a War & Peace sequel, I should perhaps finish up. One final point being a response to Dad's query about the holiday - yes, the Inverurie branch of the family are ready to go, all three passports are up to date with travel insurance acquired and holiday time organised. Our one last query involves Luca's travel seat, but I'll liaise with Lucy and the airline over details for this.
**Useless fact of the day - The minimum bus cash fare in London is now £4.00, even for only travelling one stop. Britain now has the highest public transport charges in Europe**
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