Time is passing rapidly, and within the next 72 hours we'll be sunning ourselves in the Tenerfian (?) sun. Unless it rains.
The second featured picture was taken by a Danish tourist at the infamous monkey zoo in Tenerife. No question, we will be going here, although I imagine Luca's reaction will differ slightly to our unnamed Scandinavian friend....
The top picture, less interestingly, is of "Estadio Heliodoro Rodriguez Lopez". Or Tenerife Football Club's stadium in other words. Again, I hope to visit this (as they have a home game on Saturday) but I suppose it depends whether the barrel of Becks is (as promised by the villa owner) is present on arrival, and how many pints Carole, Dad, Scott, Ross and Craig partake in in order for me to convince them to go!
Will Luca come? Doubtful, he's still a touch too little, although as an Aberdonian (or Inverurian to be precise) it would be nice for him to experience a live game of football without experiencing the prerequisite gale force winds and horizontal lashing rain once in his life.
Surprisingly, we're pretty much ready to go. I picked up Luca's car seat at lunchtime today (this will be coming on the plane), and Carole will obtain our Euro's from the exchange bureau based in Tesco tomorrow. Other than that there's just the dogs to drop off at the kennels on Thursday - I've managed to wangle an extra half day off work in order to relieve the strain from Carole and make the run myself - before I join Carole in getting the bags and cases packed. Surely we've forgotten something, it's looking like we are far to well prepared. Is it not tradition to run around like a lunatic screaming "where's the passports?" 5 minutes before departure?
It's just reading material to come. Carole's ordered her book of choice, "Wetlands" from Amazon.co.uk, although not without some previous confusion. She couldn't remember the title, so was initially searching through "Waterstones" on Saturday for "Riverlands"....Which brings up another prevalent point - Waterstones were selling it for £17, while Amazon were only £6! Surely in such financially prudent times such differentials between retailers should not exist?
My choice of reading material has yet to be decided. I was intending to scour the library (being a heavy reader I'm a member of two libraries) but my cars lack of forward motion has put the brakes (literally) on that idea. I think the latest edition of "Q" magazine, picked up from the airport shop may have to suffice!
Aside from the holiday, most of my thoughts today have been taken by work issues. We eventually got rid of a particularly poor worker today (we can't continue with staff who don't/can't pull their weight whilst in a recession) whilst another returned from long term sick. As such, today has thus far been rather interesting. Carole is suffering from work woes too, and is battling away with a project which also involves hours of work from home on the laptop. Perhaps the holiday is well timed?
**Useless fact of the day - The world's largest cockroach (which lives in South America) is six inches long with a one-foot wingspan**
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