Ding dong merrily on high indeed, Christmas is now upon us. Recession? Work stress? Pa, these things are entirely incidental compared to the pant wetting excitement of the imminent arrival of Kris Kringle down the chimney tonight.
As the season expects, Christmas is a time where it's most appropriate to evaluate your worth at this time of year. Most pertinently, have I been a good boy? I think so, but to dissuade any likelihood of debate we will move quickly onto Luca......
.....who has become as interesting a character as you could expect. With a brain like a sponge and an ability to act and improvise in almost any situation, he has become an intriguing presence to be around. My only current issue is that he has now hit the "why" stage.
"Daddy, why are you driving slowly", he'll enquire.
"Because the roads are slippy" I'll reply
"Why?" he'll ask
"Because it's snowing"
"Because moisture freezes into ice crystals in the clouds"
"Because it's cold"
"Because it's winter"
Ad infinitum.......
I often wonder whether the winter or my patience will end soonest
Segueing entirely seamlessly (ahem) onto the next subject, Lucy requested on her last blog for a selection of music to go out running to. Like Dad, compiling music lists is a sad obsession, so for Lucy's benefit here's a list of the 15 best tracks to exercise to:-
Foo Fighters - The Pretender
Biffy Clyro - That Golden Rule
Manic Street Preachers - Australia
Andrew WK - We Want Fun
Avril Lavigne - Sk8r Boi
Supergrass - Caught By The Fuzz
Bon Jovi - It's My Life
Paramore - Decode
The Offspring - Kids Aren't Alright
Gabriella Cilmi - On A Mission
Stereophonics - Dakota
Florence And The Machine - Drumming Song
Katy Perry - Hot N Cold
Elastica - Stutter
Linkin Park - New Divide
I can also provide a list of music to warm down to Lucy, if only you'd ask. Go on, ask. Please ask
Our house has long since been prepared for Christmas. Carole has enthusiastically picked up the baton this year and ran with it. And ran and ran. Our house is awash with Christmasness, even reaching absurdly festive levels in the building of a Christmas gingerbread house, as depicted below:-

Our son has also enjoyed the advent calendars greatly too. We have two separate chocolate calendars. It is now December 24th. And I am yet to sample a single piece of chocolate from my calendar. "You can have one tomorrow Daddy, OK?" is the morning speech repeated to me on a daily basis by everyone's favourite toddler with the dual accent.
My only issue with this years festivities is that Carole's present pile will be little light this year. Due to the severe weather of the past few weeks, deliveries have been slow to the point that internet orders have been entirely worthless. Still, at least I was prepared and purchased a few gifts the old fashioned way - by braving the shops and muscling my way past Christmas shoppers with that tell-tale psychopathic look in their eyes. Luca has accompanied me on a couple of these jaunts, as you can see below:-

Daddy's popularity with the young rapscallion diminishes further with each snow laden trek. However, he always eagerly joins me as the chance of a tasty snack in the nearest cafe is always a high probability. I must improve his table manners though, as is evident below........

Although there are many more Christmas related stories to tell (and embellish), I will take this opportunity to sign off and rejoin my rarely accompanied wife downstairs. She has been a Christmas widow this week as I've continued to work daily and allied it with last minute Christmas shopping in the evenings. So to precede the threat of divorce proceedings, I'll wish you all the happiest of Christmases and will of course be thinking of you.
**Useless fact of the day - Santa Clause is sometimes referred to as Kriss Kringle, a name most likely derived from Christ Kindl (Christ-child). The German name of the Christ Child is Christkind, commonly used in its diminutive form Christkindel**
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