The first official Stewart (Inverurie clan) family Christmas has passed, in a seemingly quicker fashion than a Vince Cable backtrack
Who, Dad, is definitely 67 years old, born in 1943. Sorry, private debate:)
A quieter Christmas than is normally standard, Carole, Luca and I stayed at home this year to complete our first year as (officially) a married section of the Stewart family. Carole grew ever more excited by the prospect of organising Christmas as the time drew nearer, and indeed was out of bed and downstairs continuing preparations on Christmas morning a good deal earlier than Luca and I.
Luca was, of course, a particular curiosity. His excitement leading up to the day was palpable (and comparable to his mother), but on the morning itself he awoke at his own pace and enjoyed a leisurely and disciplined breakfast in the kitchen before even contemplating opening his presents.
As expected, however, his temporary level of cool evaporated entirely once the wrapping paper began it's journey around our living room in a thousand pieces. Here he is below, anarchically bellowing that "It's Humungusaur!!!!"

Following further preparations, including the prerequisite round of telephone calls to loved ones (apart from Banchory, where Mum was at church while Dad spent his morning dog walking - a Christmas first for him!), dinner began, and what a feast it was. We'd purchased a goose rather than turkey this year (simply to be a little different), and what an inspired choice it turned out to be - delicious. So delicious in fact that the unthinkable occurred. We had no room left for dessert! Not that Luca minded, due to his decision to blind himself, as follows:-

Luca wasn't alone in playing up for the camera however, as demonstrated below by Carole looking pretty:-

And me looking rather less so:-

We also attended a second Christmas yesterday, enjoying a Boxing Day in Banchory. While Carole and Mum blethered in the kitchen, Luca and Granda played together in the living room. An amusing sight, as I sat watching the Stewart's of two generations apart playing games that best demonstrated each others OCD tendencies.
And the meal? Delicious of course. Was it as good as the previous days feast? Do I look stupid enough to answer that question?
**Useless fact of the day - Apart from mouse/mice, goose/geese is the only animal where the singular and pleural words have different stems**
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