Luca was infected by the acting bug on Tuesday, as he and his nursery cohorts performed a Christmas nativity play for us. Here he is below, in full shepherds costume (sans hat)

Can you spot him in the picture below too? Where's Wally indeed

It was an interesting experience watching him, albeit certainly not an intriguing one. Whisper it, but it was a little boring to be honest, and by the end I'm certain I wasn't the only parent staring at the ceiling and thinking about whether Aberdeen FC should play with two strikers up front, or just one with the wide players pushing forward at will. Oh God, what if I'm wrong and I was the only one there wishing I was elsewhere? I'm a bad Dad.
Aside from this, I've been on holiday again for much of this week - I really need to organise my years allowance a little better next year. Almost as a counter to my previous break, this week I've kept busy mainly with DIY. A scary thought, as my skills at home improvements are probably akin to Dawn French's as a fitness trainer.
However, the house is still standing, which is a good, as well as a little surprising. Carole was even impressed by what I've done in her bathroom, although I know she is highly nervous about "hubster" being home alone with a saw, an electric drill and a lot of spare time.....
That said, the work has come to a crashing halt again. The early part of the week (with DIY, Luca's show, football and Christmas shopping) was hugely busy, but the latter stages of this week have been a lot less productive. I've been infected with a heavy cold, and with this I've essentially slept almost constantly for the past 24 hours. When everything that exits your body is coloured a peculiar hue of luminous yellow then you know you're in trouble.
With this cold, my memory isn't great, so my recollection of many Luca related stories of late is restricted to say the least. However, he has been his normal monkey-esque self. We have our Christmas tree up now, and surrounding it is an (already) plentiful supply of presents. This hasn't gone unnoticed by our "cherub", who constantly asks "Is it Christmas yet?". On Wednesday I popped through to the kitchen to prepare his food, only to be disturbed a noise picked up by my bat-like ears (as a parent your hearing improves by about 500%....). It was the sound of paper tearing. I ran through to the living room to see........
........Do I even need to say? A 3 (nearly 4) year old sitting beside the tree with a clump of Christmas wrapping paper in one hand and the resultant opened present in the other. "It's a DVD" he excitedly relayed to me, a smile plastered across his beaming face
The joys. Finally, "enjoy" the video clip below of Luca in his play. He's the one impatiently swinging the toy sheep around by it's tail, and looking almost as bored as his Dad.....
**Useless fact of the day - The term "Nativity Drama" is used by Wellesz[1] in his discussion of the troparion hymns in the Christmas liturgy of Byzantine Rite Churches, from Sophronius in the seventh century. Goldstein argues[2] that the label "drama" is misleading, that the troparia are more akin to an oratorio than a play, and that the form is not a precursor of later more decidedly dramatic form**
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