Call off the FBI, CIA and Scotland Yard, Dad has been found. My work phone rang just as I was leaving the office tonight on which a familiar voice casually enquired "Did you call?"
How big is Luca getting? Look at the picture above. 3 years old and his legs now stretch close to the length of his Grandma's. More prudently however, what happened to my previously lithe hunting dog? She's becoming a bit paunchy - perhaps there's a suggestion a certain visitor treated her a little too frequently during her stay.....

I'm quite fond of this picture, showing Sima asleep with all 4 legs wrapped around Isis' tail. She absolutely adores the bigger dog - such a shame the feeling isn't reciprocated!
Our house has been a little quieter since Liz left yesterday after her stay. As usual she was a pleasure to have around, and we're all sad to see her go. Indeed, with Luca now able to elucidate his feelings more clearly he's more able to let us know what he's feeling. "I miss Grandma" he claimed with a look of dejection upon his face, "I want her to come back to Luca's house"
He's quite adorable when he articulates his feelings so. Even so, much as it's tempting to accede to his wishes those big brown eyes can't get what they want every time. Indeed, even if Grandma had wanted to spend more time freezing in the sub Alaskan climate of Inverurie alongside a cheeky rapscallion it wasn't really practical. Tom has his shoulder operation coming up very shortly and as such needs his wife home.
I also think it was clear Liz was simply looking forward to seeing him too, operation or no operation.
We ended Liz's stay with a flurry of home cooking which culminated in another cream and jam cake being baked on her last day. Has the huge sponge mountain been devoured yet? You betcha!
Similar of which I can't say for the experimental meal I cooked for us all on Monday night. "Sweet and tangy turkey and rice mix in cabbage" was the recipe's tagline. And it was about as tasty as it sounds. "That was the worst thing you've ever cooked" was Caroles particularly brusque assessment.
With the snow having returned yet again - I'm seriously ready to emigrate - plans for this weekend remain frustratingly imprecise. Most pertinently however, my planned beery night out on Saturday has been cancelled (for reasons best not divulged on a blog). We will, however, make sure we keep our arrangement to visit Granny Jo who has seen little of the brown haired mite of late.
Anyway, it's late and after having been woken at 2am last night by my on-call phone (grrr) the sight of our bed only 5 feet from where I sit is proving an undeniable draw.
**Useless fact of the day - Killer Whales predominantly eat seals, but have also been known to attack and eat Great White Sharks**