A dour, dreich day awaited us as we opened the curtains this morning. No sun, little light and drizzle. The man who wrote the lyric "Caledonia you're calling me and now I'm going home" must also have been a devout Glenfiddich acolyte.

The boy above doesn't seem to suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder thankfully. Difficult? Yes. Cheeky? Undoubtedly. Dour? Absolutely not. Even when he's being naughty or awkward he does it all with a glint in his eye.
I'll describe the above photo in more detail further into the blog. But yes, everything on that tray is some form of chocolate.
Above is Grandma Liz and Luca chatting on the phone to Gramps Tom this morning. Liz had just presented Luca with some gifts from Tom (a boat and a train - both in his hands) so Luca was thanking his Gramps for the eagerly received toys. Indeed his call of "Thanks Gramps" was quickly followed by a subsequent squeal of "Open them!". Open them we did and off he went.

From where he darted through to the living room to play. Poor Isis took a few dunts in the nose from the chaotically charged toddlers train.
If you've seen yesterdays blog you'll have ascertained as to how badly my weekend has been ruined. I'm still sulking. Carole, however, attempted to lighten my mood in the evening as she took me out for a Valentines meal.
I was excused my responsibility of organising a Valentines treat this year for two reasons:-
1 - The epic day I arranged last year (Meldrum House, Lochters, His Majestys Theatre and, errmm, McDonalds)
2 - Money. The wedding may seem a long way away, but 8 months is a short time to save.
Obviously I wasn't going to argue. Carole drove us out to a restaurant in Oyne. "Gadie's" it was called, and although entirely unknown to myself it turned out to be a hidden gem (not unlike "The Neuk" Mike). It was new, quiet, with faultless service and beautifully fresh local food.
If I had any criticism it would be the size of the portions. My salmon main course was more akin to a whale and left me little room in which to fit the dessert.
But of course I found room from somewhere! It was a shared chocolate platter which was easily the most indulgent thing I've - we've - stomached this year. Fantastic though.
I've just thought of another criticism - they didn't serve Jack Daniels! My horror at such a predicament was displayed by my bizarre ordering of a glass of Baileys Sherry as an alternative. Bleurgh!
Today has been a lot less hectic than yesterday thus far. Carole and I had a semi-long lie in this morning while Liz got up with Luca (well, 8.30am) and from there we all went downstairs for a relaxing breakfast. "Relaxing" is relative, however, as there's nothing particularly relaxing about having a toddler continually squeal "No watch this, no like it" in your ear incessantly as you try to catch the goals on Sunday morning TV whilst he simultaneously eats my breakfast of jammy toast. It's like a scene from "Jaws" as he leans toward me, mouth agape, as I attempt to defend what's left of my breakfast from him.
Carole and Liz left mid morning to take a drive into Aberdeen to watch the 3D film "Avatar" at the cinema. Liz seemed a little unconvinced by the idea initially, but Carole insisted it was an experience not to be missed. To be fair Liz's opinion of said film had changed by the time they arrived home. "Wow" was the first word to come from her lips as they walked back in the door.
The women of the house are - as I type - cooking us a traditional Sunday dinner. Yummy. Will this be a meal which will, in some small way, make up for the devastating events of yesterday? Here's hoping.
I think the next poll may be entitled "How long will it be before Gary stops moaning about missing the game?"
When hell freezes over.
**Useless fact of the day - The very last verse in Isaiah (Old Testament Bible) tells us that the righteous will go and look upon the wicked. Hell then has to be some place where the righteous will be able to see burning. This means that Hell could not be in the center of the earth, for there are no fireproof elevators to take a person down to look upon hell, then bring them back up again**
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