"You don't put enough photo's on the blog Gary!"
"You out too many rubbish photo's on the blog Gary!"
I can't win. Make your mind up.

Today is more along the lines of the latter category. Due to the numbers featured I won't waffle. Above is Luca getting out of bed on Saturday morning. Following his disturbed sleep on Friday night.
Why was his sleep disturbed on Friday night? Because we encountered a rarity - Luca throwing up. I had sneaked through to kiss him goodnight as I readied myself my bed (some time before midnight) and initially almost failed to notice the slightly acidic aroma. It transpired he'd thrown up in bed, yet continued to be unperturbed by having to sleep alongside the regurgitated remnants of his stomach!
Why was he sick? We've no idea, as he seemed perfectly well, both before and after. Carole was the only one who turned a little green - she's not great with sick! "You clean the bed, I'll deal with the boy" I ordered when we discovered the little boy in the mess. The look of fear in Caroles eyes told me all I needed to know. "OK, other way round" I altered, and was witnessed with a look on her face of relief akin to the end of a bout of constipation.
Too far? Sorry, I'm struggling to concentrate as Luca sings in the bedroom beside me. "Boom, bak, wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle, that's the way they wash their clothes". I have no idea what song that is, yet it clearly appears to be his present favourite.
However, I'm off topic. The three pictures above were taken in Inverurie library only minutes after we'd dropped Carole off at the train station to depart for her girls lunch in Aberdeen.
We went to the supermarket afterwards (yesterday was indeed an exciting day.....) where Luca, of course, found the chocolate aisle within 3.2 seconds of arriving.
"No Luca!"
He got neither - I wasn't risking another vomit session. We came home shortly after and he curled up on the sofa with his new favourite teddy - Stripey the tiger. It's curious, you can spend fortunes on toys and games for the boy without ever knowing what will and won't be popular. Indeed, I obtained Stripey at work on Friday from an airline salesman on Friday who'd come in for an appointment. So thank you to "Cathay Air" for their free tiger that is now Luca's constant companion - and one that I almost threw in the bucket! Whew.....

And here he is again. Very, very tired by this stage, the knock on effect of the lost sleep caused by his midnight shower on Friday was now very apparent. I put him to bed shortly after, where he fell asleep before I'd even left his room.
Should I mention I forgot to put his nappy on before putting him down for his afternoon nap? No, I don't think I will, it would make me sound a bit of a fool.
**Useless fact of the day - The US Superbowl is played tonight, and companies wishing to air an advertisement during the games half time break will need to stump up over $3 million**
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