First things first. Dad, if you're reading this, call home. We haven't received any texts or emails from you to confirm your arrival in Marrakech. Your wife is beginning to worry!

I have a foreboding feeling tonight's blog will be the worst ever. To back up my suspicion is "Exhibit A", the photograph above (of Dens Park, Dundee, scene of Partick Thistles latest humping). Not an auspicious start.
Improving matters slightly is a sleeping Luca. Notice the monster truck in his left hand, lately adopted as his favourite "teddy bear". Odd boy.
Finally we have the most loving photo I've ever snapped. Grandma Liz and Sima gazing at one another with more adoration in their eyes than Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan in "When Harry Met Sally"
**Useless fact of the day - Movie website "" lists Wesley and The Princess Bride in 1987 film "The Princess Bride" as the greatest movie couple of all time. Yeah, I thought it was a bit of a cr*p choice too**
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