Carole's absence last night coincided with Luca's worst night of coughing in almost a year. Typically I'd run out of "Tyxilix" (child cough mixture) and as such was faced with the choice of taking young mop top with me (resplendent in his pyjama's) to the supermarket to buy more or hope the fits abated. I chose the latter. I chose unwisely.
He was still awake at midnight, unable to rest long enough before the next attack began. Gratifyingly he calmed after that and slept fitfully for the next seven hours. Unlike his Dad, who read a novel from back to front in order to stay awake and listen out for any peculiar noises. Of course there were none. Other than Sima/Yoda's snoring. Seriously, she sounds like that bit in "The Empire Strikes Back" where Yoda tells Luke Skywalker "Judge me by my size do you? Hmmm? Hmmm?"
I watch too much sci-fi.
Anyway.......Here's a picture of Luca, taken on Sunday as he relaxes on what was to become the first suite purchase our family has made. "Luca's chair!" he squealed as his enthusiasm quelled our buyers doubts.

Above is the only relatively legible picture of Luca I was able to take tonight. Look carefully and you'll notice a very conspicuous mark to the side of his nose. His nursery nemesis Max attacked him again. Max, by all accounts, is a little toward the "slow" end of the spectrum and as such allowances are made for him. That said, if this continues I might be forced soon to request Max's exclusion.
Carole called this evening having just completed a gym session before getting dressed for her four star hotel dinner. But before making the expected disparaging remarks about the lack of studying being undertaken I detected a hesitancy in her voice. It transpires after only one night away she's desperately missing home. Luca, of course, refused to speak to her, leaving a rather dejected sounding Mum.
After hanging up, however, Luca stopped what he was doing and sat back quietly with a sad look upon his face. "What's wrong?" I enquired? "I want Mummy" he mumbled.
I immediately called Carole back and this time Luca snatched the phone. "Hallo Mummy" he shouted, "I miss you very much"
I think she may have cried after hanging up.
**Useless fact of the day - George Lucas based the character of Han Solo in Star Wars on his fellow director Francis Ford Coppola**
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