Does anyone know the song "On My Own" (most prominently featured in uber-musical "Les Miserables")? If you do you'll be aware of the lyric (in the fifth verse for the more fastidious among you) "And I know it's only in my mind that I'm talking to myself"

Yeah, I'm feeling like that just now. As self-aggrandising as these blogs are to write I may discontinue if there's no-one reading them. I could illuminate my spare time more constructively (!) with endless updates of my "Fantasy Football" team.
Yes, it's that time of year again where I allow any and all of my disillusionment's to overflow from the more unsatisfactory elements of my existence into those of which are usually on the more positive end of the spectrum. Just ignore me.
Duly ignored, I'm certain you've paid heed to the photo's above demonstrating (in descending order):-
1 - Luca wearing his Mummy's shoes while Sima (nee Yoda) looks on
2 - Luca dragging me out of bed this morning. Also featured in the pictures top left corner, sat atop the bedside cabinet, is a book that demonstrates my continued and unhindered form of cultural education:- "Star Wars - X-Wing Rogue Squadron Comic Omnibus"
3 - Luca in his Mum's shoes. Again. I try not to worry about his forthcoming "confusing" teenage years.

The final images shown today are a (relatively) accurate portrayal of our new suite. As our existing sofa is older than the Catholic Church and smaller than said churches usual Sunday congregations it's replacement has long since been overdue.
With this in mind we three Musketeers (Gathos, Carthos and Lucamis) drove to Aberdeen this morning with the unenviable task of trawling endless furniture stores to battle the might of Cardinal Richelieu's guards - or more accurately the overly exuberant attention of sofa salesmen and their commission based pay packets.
Luckily, we struck upon a deal in only (only!) the third store we visited. Although the search was initially centred mainly on corner sofa's, one particular standard 3 seater stood out both for looks and comfort. Our initial lukewarm interested was intensified by the realisation that the price (already £600 below our maximum budget) also included a 2 seater sofa, an armchair and a footstool! After a discussion with shop staff it was revealed the price was due to it being a poor selling variation of last seasons stock (they were simply trying to get it out the door to create space)
So there you go - next time you visit you'll have somewhere to sit! I am, of course, assuming someone is reading this......
I would divulge more, but Luca has awoken from his afternoon nap and his coughing is rather too akin to that of a 40-a-day 75 year old smoker. I'd best attend to him. Don't worry about him however, he loves cough mixture. Hopefully this time I'll remember to give him the child's cough syrup rather than with the heavily alcohol concentrated adult version I supplied him with last time.
Which reminds me. I allowed Luca a brief sip of my glass of Jack Daniels and Coke last night. It resulted in him pulling the funniest face I've ever seen. "That's not very nice" was his understated opinion once the tears had cleared from his eyes.
**Useless fact of the day - The average sofa will witness 293 arguments, 1,300 cuddles, and suffer over 1,600 spillages in its lifetime**
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