I went to the football again on Saturday. They lost again. And the players barely tried. Again. And they charge me £25 for the "privilege"
No more - I'm finished with football for the season.
With the smoke coming out of my ears attracting the attention of the local fire brigade I decided that coming straight home would be inadvisable. I was itching for an argument, although gratefully aware of the fact. As such, as I had parked the car in the nearby cinema's car park, I decided to cool down in front of the big screen.
An odd choice admittedly, considering I ventured in alone (I'd left my companions at the stadium). I'm, as a type, generally unconcerned as to how others perceive me but I must admit to feeling a little self conscious as I purchased a single ticket.
Even odder was my choice of film, a slushy romantic comedy called "Valentines Day". Please don't judge me - it was the only film starting at that time of day. I huddled into a dark corner with my pic'n'mix (as always the best bit) and settled back.
Should I admit that quite contrarily I rather enjoyed the film? Or is the fact I was there alone already disturbing enough? OK, nuff said.
I did achieve my goal though. Rather than returning home in a foul mood I instead came back slightly cheered. To further enhance my mood was Caroles first words of "there's cheesecake for you in the fridge when you want it". Yummy.
"Aren't you coming through to sit with me?" questioned a lightly dozing Carole as I made my way to the kitchen. "You told me there's cheesecake" I replied as I stepped through the door. "but I won't be long"
Isn't it lucky I have a fast metabolism?
Jane called for Carole later that evening - of course admonishing me for the slightly inaccurate information in the last blog where I suggested my puppys ever widening girth was due to Liz feeding her a plentiful supply of biscuits during her stay - so while they chatted I slumped in front of a film on TV ("Rise Of The Silver Surfer" - not bad) I got stuck into our supply of Jack Daniels.
I think I had one or two too many though. Carole woke me on Sunday morning giggling as she said "you spoke so much sh*t last night". Plus ca change I thought.
We drove through to Banchory later that morning to visit Granny Jo. Luca was, of course, at his most exuberant. "We go see Granny Jo?" he asked excitedly? "Yes" I replied to no-one in particular as he'd already run through to the cupboard under the stairs to retrieve his coat.
We got a tasty lunch of chicken fajita's (all of us) and shortbread and cookies (just Ross and I natch) but Carole deteriorated as the day went along. Indeed, when we returned home around 8pm I had to put both Mother and Son to bed! Luca put his night time nappy on without fuss and was asleep before I left the room. "Max go on naughty step, time out for Max" he curiously muttered as I closed his door.
**Useless fact of the day - A large sweet popcorn from a mainstream cinema can weigh as much as 375g and can contain around 1,800 calories**
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