Not much to report. Same old same old. Caroles been working and doing the step class thingummyjig stuff. I've been working, gymming (Oxford English will doubtless sue me for fragrant and continual misuse of the English language if they ever stumble upon this blog) and playing football atrociously. Luca? Well, it's Luca, take a guess.

Completely unrelated to the picture above - I'll come to that shortly - Luca had a pyjama party yesterday at nursery. As his Mummy had to leave early to drop her car off at the garage I was left with the task of organising the lads alternative morning routine. "Would you like toast and milk for breakfast?" I enquired hopefully. "No" came the quickfire response "Ribena and chocolate, we have it in the living room".
Of course that wasn't the only argument I had with him. He didn't understand why I was trying to put his coat and shoes on when he was still attired in his pyjama's. Those big brown eyes kept glancing confusedly up at me. "No Daddy, I still wearing my jamma's"
Tonight - as I'm certain you've already ascertained by the viewing the pictures above - Luca and I went out for supper together. As Carole was predisposed by her Wednesday fitness class I decided to take Luca for his "Kids Club" meal in the cafe of the local supermarket. He loves it, although his burgeoning OCD tendencies come to the fore as he chooses the same table on each visit.
He's surprisingly well behaved though, and personally I prefer to be out chatting with him rather than be faced with the distractions of home and his "soft seat and telly".
Once his plate had been cleared we ventured forth into the supermarket itself to pick up a few essentials. And a few non-essentials too that he acquired while my back was turned. What's that in his hand? A big bag of his favourite jelly sweets. "It's OK Dad, I carry these" he helpfully suggested.
BOO! As an antithesis to the slightly over exposed Luca (I'm certain even the most doting of Gran's may become weary after six Luca photo's in a row), I took a quick snap of myself to demonstrate why Carole may at times exhibit a slightly worried demeanour - this is the first thing she see's EVERY morning. I'm certain even the most spiritually enlightened Nuns may become a little Rose West-esque after too prolonged a period.
**Useless fact of the day - The colder the room you sleep in, the more likely that you will have a bad dream**
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