Taken only minutes later, a chocolate buzz infused toddler raced into the nearby "Early Learning Centre" store to pick out this years Christmas present. "But I want it now" came the whine, before thankfully being followed by "I need a poo poo Daddy". Phew, my wallet saved by the distraction of his bowels. "I need very badly". Ooops, where's the nearest toilet??
Emptied and relieved, here he poses in the "Hawkins Bazaar" shop. Before almost getting me arrested as he picked up the toy rabbit as we walked out.....
Onto Duthie Park next (this was Sunday - did I mention that?). Squint your eyes to see the terror toddler gingerly climbing the steps to the summit of the most colossal kids slide I've ever come across.
This was the only time during the entire day I was able to convince him to pose. I can't overstate how many of the pictures I take end up as beautiful blurs. "Cheese" he'll grin, before tearing off in the opposite direction before my camera even gos "click".

"It's too windy Daddy" he gurgled as I snapped him in the parks pavilion, "I ready to go home now"
As always the blog is dedicated primarily to the antics of our chubster, but I must briefly eschew further toddler related antics to describe possibly the most cataclysmic wedding we've ever been present at.
On Friday we attended the evening reception of one of Carole's friends (Lesley) who was marrying ex-professional footballer Jerry O'Driscoll. A great turn out and cracking venue couldn't disguise the tension in the air, caused mainly by a wedding that had run hours late. Indeed, the guests weren't shown through until almost 9pm (!), with food following even later. We made a sharp exit before 11pm, having learnt much of what not to incorporate come October.
Back to the bairn, and STOP THE PRESS, Carole has just emailed me some pictures she took on Saturday.
She and Luca attended a dinosaur exhibition at local science centre "Satrosphere". Luca loves dinosaurs, but is conversely a complete scaredy cat. Look at that expression? Mummy told him it wasn't real but in Luca's head you can never be too sure....
Bit happier here. At least I assume so. I was working. Am I allowed to use a blog to moan?
Much happier her. Still awkward however. "I no like, I want chocolate" I can imagine he whined.
And here he is operating a mechanical dinosaur, completely unaided. How old and technologically impotent does everyone feel when I let you know how proficient he is with computers? Indeed, he uses one daily at nursery. He's 3!
Yep, that's him inside a giant bubble. Allegedly he broke the world sprint record as he stampeded to the stage when the demonstrator asked for a volunteer. I think his body language perfectly illustrates his reconsidered decision as he cowers within.
I have much more to add - pithy comments, innumerable exaggerations, drunken photo's of Carole and I - but they can wait. Night all!
**Useless fact of the day - It was the accepted practice in Babylon 4,000 years ago that for a month after the wedding, the bride's father would supply his son-in-law with all the mead he could drink. Mead is a honey beer, and because their calendar was lunar based, this period was called the "honey month" or what we know today as the "honeymoon."**
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