As such, I'll begin with last night. Following another frustrating day in the office (too many of them of late), I whizzed home quickly to collect Luca from nursery. A weary boy almost fell into my arms when I collected him, with the unnaturally (for Scotland) hot weather continuing to bemuse and exhaust our pasty, ginger bodies.
I must point out that "whizzing" home in my little Toyota is an experience in itself. Undoubtedly, few of you will have experienced the squeal of a 994cc engine as it "powers" past 70mph. Indeed, at this speed the rev count surpasses 6000. To put that into perspective, the rph exceeds the number in Jesus "posse" when he did his magic trick with the bread and wine.
Which reminds me, Carole and I will need to discuss how to play the religion card as Luca becomes older and more aware. You can boil it down to:-
1. It's good to have faith, which brings feelings of belonging and community
2. If God is real (who knows?) then better to have worshipped than not ("Sorry God, I was going to pray but, y'know, The Apprentice was on the telly")
1. Religious bigotry, hatred, divided communities, billions of deaths caused by religious wars
2. Having to get up on Sunday mornings after a night on the lash
I know, I'm being facetious. Sorry. Nevertheless, we are thinking more of his future this year. Can you believe that one year from now he starts school? Terrifying.
What other landmarks are coming up? The wedding in just under five months, my 35th (!!!!) birthday in four weeks and the World Cup in one week......
Which leads me onto "family sweepie". My glamorous assistant (Carole) will tomorrow pick names out a hat for countries for each member of our combined families to support at the World Cup. Details of your team will be listed in the next blog.
Yes, I am conveniently ignoring the fact that England qualified (Corthorns, Breeds and Armstrong's), as did USA (Lesina's) and even bl**dy Australia (Kelly)! Scotland of course didn't though, hence.....
Anyway. Today brought about a day off for our whole family, albeit for differing reasons. I'd booked the day off work as a holiday (last chance I'll have for a while), Carole called off work sick (ill and rundown) and we were forced to pull Luca out of nursery too - he's contracted conjunctivitis.
Luca feels fine, however, and as such I took him with me as I drove out to take care of a few things. First stop was Tesco in Aberdeen to pick up a bag of shopping Carole had inadvertently left behind (don't fear, it was only toiletries - the important staples, such as my doughnuts and ice cream, had previously arrived home safely), followed by trips to purchase a book shelf for Luca, anti-fart biscuits for Isis (seriously) and a toy for a birthday party Luca's attending tomorrow. Here's Luca below giving me the run around in Tesco:-

Carole was fast asleep by the time we returned home, so following a little down time of our own Luca joined me outside to wash the cars:-

Before ending his day having his first ever - solo - shower:-

His persistent face pulling is beginning to intrigue and disturb me in equal measures:-

**Useless fact of the day - Interestingly, Americans officially have worse teeth than Brits! A "number of bad teeth per child at 12 years old" study found the following:-
Japan = 1.7 US = 1.19 UK = 0.7. Martinique was listed as the worse with 6.3**
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