Yes, he's going through a little phase just now. This afternoons (as we attempted to put him down for an afternoon nap after a busy first half to the day) was of the legendary variety, encompassing shouts, screams, slaps and uncontrollable rolls around the floor.
I was going to make an acerbic remark, comparing this behaviour to one of my siblings younger days, but the popular idiom "pots and kettles" severely diminished my ability to do so....
Hopefully it will pass, as otherwise he's been fun of late. Yesterday morning brought a trip to the nearby "Taste of Grampian" festival, basking in temperatures of 24 centigrade. My tummy gurgled contentedly, Carole's diet screamed to a halt and Luca wore a particularly curious hat. As follows:-

Later the same day Carole took Luca to the birthday party of Michael, one of his friends from nursery. Photo's and comment on this will follow in a later post, but I was most amused when a giggling Carole arrived home with the news that one of the other dads has been in serious training for this years nursery sports day parents race. Apparently my victory from last year was brought up again, and I seem to be a marked man this year.
Very amusing, and I'm bemused by the fact the discussion has further raised my competitive heckles somewhat. Why does it matter? Dad, Scott, Mike, Tom, Nick - did you ever encounter this bewildering desire at such an unimportant event?
Which segues neatly onto the next subject. The puppy almost went AWOL again. We were running round the park when a loud bang was heard from nearby. Of course, the worlds least brave dog took off, leaving me in her wake. She is very much the expeditious Russell these days, and even my full pace sprint leaves me unable to even remotely keep pace - undoubtedly and quite increduously her pace is close to that of my old greyhound.
Gratifyingly, she's a little wiser now, and paused her retreat 200 yards away just long enough for me to grab hold. Despite the worry, it was amusing watching her as I got close as her mind was drawing her head back toward me yet her little legs were still scurrying in circles like a Loony Tunes cartoon on a broken loop.
We watched the film "3:10 To Yuma" last night. Entertaining romp, but does Russell Crowe act exactly the same way in every film? Mean and intense, but opens up a wry smile every 20 minutes or so to remind you he's not so bad. Seriously, every film!
Luca and I crept out early this morning, leaving his snotty (as in ill, not haughty) Mummy to sleep a little longer. We drove through to the cinema to watch "The Princess And The Frog". It was as good and Disney-esque as you'd expect, but I most enjoy the fact the cinema allows you to spend a little time in Luca's company where he isn't constantly chatting. Honestly, that boy can witter - he never shuts up!
I will avoid making reference here to which particular Corthorn/Armstrong/Breed he most closely echo's for fear of reprisals.......
My stomach is beginning to rumble, which means I need to begin my campaign to convince Carole that we should have a Chinese takeaway tonight. With her diet, we haven't had a takeaway in a couple of months and my taste buds have begun a minor mutiny in order to rectify this situation.
On the next blog I'll describe how tasty our dinner of salad was after I inevitably lose this debate. For now, I'll leave you with a picture of a grinning Luca after the movie ended this morning:-

**Useless fact of the day - In June 2005, Russell Crowe was arrested and charged with second-degree assault by New York City police, after he threw a telephone at an employee of the Mercer Hotel who refused to help him place a call when the system did not work from his room, and was charged with fourth-degree criminal possession of a weapon (the telephone)**
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