Todays blog is brought to you by our proud sponsers at "Give Me That Ruddy Phone To Play With Or I'll Whine All The Way Home". Yes, this is a photo of Luca demanding I pass him my expensive item of electrical equipment (my mobile phone with integrated digital camera) to use as a makeshift hammer. The picture was taken a few hours ago as he sat in the back of my car as we were preparing to leave Aberdeen to head home. Despite the consequent (and predictable) huge dents now adorning my phone, it was worth it as a I got a photo of Luca with a big smile on his face - a rarity! He's not the poseur his uncle Ross was as a child....
We (as in Luca and I) had originally intended to go into Aberdeen yesterday, but due to a work catastrophe I had to postpone it until this morning. I rather enjoyed the 3-4 hours I spent in the office on a Saturday rectifying other peoples messes again. This, allied to many other problems (including an on call rota with one name on it throughout December - me) will now result in me demanding meetings and immediate solutions from the directors tomorrow. Did I mention I'll only be able to do this as - for the second time in succession - I've had to cancel my holidays at the last minute to be in the office to cover for them? Sometimes I think I over-react but in this instance my anger is justifiable.
Rant over. Admit it, you love the rants. I know Carole does. My resultant black eye from yesterdays rant is proof positive! OK, she didn't clock me but I'm sure one day she will!
Returning to the main issue (I'd make a really impressive broadsheet newspaper columnist wouldn't I? Four paragraphs in and I still haven't said anything yet!), Luca and I got up sharply this morning to drive into Aberdeen and brave the Christmas shopping crowds. We managed to get parked surprisingly easily before heading for the Early Learning Centre, Forbidden Planet, the park and B&Q - in that order. He loved being in B&Q the most as (due to the store being quiet and the floor space wide) I let him down to walk with me, rather than be stuck in the pram or my arms. He had a superb time, and my only regret is not taking the camera into the store with us. He had a face wide smile the whole time we were there. Well, apart from the point where I hid behind a plant and he thought he'd lost me - he started shrieking "Daddy!!" before bursting into tears. He looked so frightened to be without me, I didn't think he'd get scared so immediately. He stopped the second I jumped out and picked him up though!
After getting what we needed (apart from the Christmas tree - I couldn't see yours mum, the closest I could see were £19 and looked awful) we headed back to the car and returned home. He fell asleep on the way home which was a relief as I'd had the idea of taking him to McDoanlds for lunch. It would have been great fun, but has anyone else seen "Supersize Me"? You'll never eat American fast food again if you do....
As per normal, my blog isn't exactly in chronological order. Despite my overdescriptive details of todays events I haven't mentioned last night yet. Not that there's too much to mention (I cooked - well, I put a pizza in the oven which got a bit burnt) but we got a DVD out after Luca went to sleep. "Wanted", starring Angelina Jolie and James McAvoy. We'd both been wanting to see this, and I genuinely can't make my mind up whether it was great or attrocious. Obviously, being based on a comic it was wildly far fetched (bending bullets round corners, ice cream vans ourunning sports cars, falling hundreds of feet in a train carriage and surviving) but if anything it wasn't quite wild enough - the original source material involved the main character turning to random murder and rape (!) as his confidence grew and battling baddies including one who went by the moniker of "Shithead"! And before you ask, he was actually a monster made up of the poo of the most evil men who lived, including Jeffrey Dalmer and Hitler. It go's without saying that transferring all of this into a major Hollywood blockbuster would have been difficult but.....
Finally in response to dad's last blog - don't bother with Fleet Foxes, I've got their album and the only thing it's good for is sending you to sleep.
Did I mention that Carole will be joining me on writing duties as of this week?.....
**Useless fact of the day - The latest Bond movie "Quantum Of Solace" is the first Bond film is 21 years to use name of the one of the original Bond books**